P. 11

--------  lockdown poetry  --------

               Children of a Bleeding Sky: To God Almighty Emeritus

               Relebogile Kgalane

               Aye, behold, the Sky is bleeding

               With thunderous cries it echoes, sending our prayers back receding
               Thunder that yields not rain, retaining a now forgotten blessing

               Our daily curse to squeeze from us a life of mock-confessing

               And why do you bleed, o Immortal Sky, Father of the godly pantheon
               When your priests have called our Mother Earth a sacrilegious dungeon

               Yet her wanton rivers quench our thirst since your sweet rain is withheld

               From her generous breast we greedily feed since your love has us repelled

               The Sky is bleeding, answers seem not to come from above

               War is amongst us, blood from this unseen world a symbol of his love

               Lack is king, the ensemble of groaning stomachs chorusing our hungry songs

               Greed our prophet, virgin muses to him pledging to fill nocturnal streets with

               O Mighty Sky, your flowing blood has led us to this mad apostasy

               Blood from your unseen wound that has shattered an infantile fantasy
               We as your children, Mighty Sky, cry because of this vision boldly told

               For if our source bleeds till Tomorrow, Mighty Sky, then you're a lie of old

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