P. 15

--------  lockdown poetry  --------


               Napo Masheane

               Anon… anonymous

               Anonymous… was once a girl with sleeves
               As loooooong as the list of freedom-dreams

               If we knew her name… her name… name

               History would tell us

               Her sleeves were long… loooooong sleeves

               Because her scars were deep… deeeeeep scars

               And her list of freedom-dreams

               Were one-size-too-big

               Because her fears were much numberless

               Freedom- dreams

               If we knew her name… her name… name
               Long… loooooong sleeves

               Deep… deeeeeep scars

               So, today, Anonymous

               On OUR behalf… we ask you to bleed

               For having a vagina that houses blood
               Every month, across seven days, each moon

               Bleed… for always, over a thousand days, in a million ways


               And when your lungs are at the peak of bursting

               We ask the thickness of your lifeblood
               To stain this his-story

               So that your sadness can be a well of your bloodline

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