P. 92
The band tradition continues in Kernersville to this
day. There are many informal groups as well as school
bands that "make music" together. The Kernersville
Moravian Church band, now under the direction of Mr.
Ted Kerner, furnishes music for special church services
and funerals and plays throughout the community be-
fore the Easter Sunrise Service.
A successful local group, "The Versatiles", have
played for dances and other functions all over the state.
Elias Huff's second band. Names listed on page 96 They travel in a van which they _ purchased themselves.
This combo group was organized in 1966 by Charles
Green Jr. when he was only 13. He is now a student at
Berkley School of Music in Boston.
"What did you do without television?" the young
people of today ask. In Kernersville, as in many other
small Southern towns, something interesting was always
happening. Let us take a look at what was going on
during the summer of 1923.
Mr. Elias Huff had died in 1920 but the band was
reorganizing. The June 29, 1923 issue of The Kerners-
ville Citizen ( edited by E. S. Shore, Fred H. Morris and
Edward Gibson, Jr.) carried the following article. "The
matter of erecting a band stand somewhere near the
square was presented to the Chamber of Commerce
several weeks ago by members of the band, who had as
their spokesman Mr. Dewey Musten. At that time the
Local Band 1940. Names listed on page 96
band boys were present and furnished music for the
evening. Mr. James Teague was secured as instructor,
resuming the work as leader, which he has been so faith-
ful and proficient at from the beginning as organizer of
our present band . . . And on last Friday evening we
had our first and very excellent open air concert."
The same issue of the paper carried an important
announcement. "The Junior Order United American Me-
chanics, Kernersville Council No. 54 will surely celebrate
on the Fourth ... While the thing is under the auspices
of the Junior Order, it will function rather as a town and
community affair . . . For that reason, everything and
The "Versatiles" are Kernersville's currently successful band group.
This combo has played for dances all over the state. Sam L. Hamlin, Jr.
is the soloist. Other members include: Charles Green, Jr., organizer, William
Peay, Mac Chambers, Charles Patterson, David Teague, James Wharton
and Jason Hawkins.
A Kernersville band of the 1950's. Standing, Philip Korner. Front row:
Joe Ray Ragland, Fred Morris, Jr., Ed Crawford. Back row: Charlie James
Ragland, Bodenhamer, John Shelton, Kelly Beeson.