Page 3 - final1.cdr
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                         is not the learning of facts, but

                         the training of the mind to think.

                                              Princ ipal‘s Desk

           Since the  me of incep on SERVITE has seen many ups and downs and has been able to
           withstand any upheaval. The last session is no excep on in this regard. During lockdown
           it  seemed  to  all  that  the  en re  system  would  come  to  a  halt,but  we  came  out  with  a
           solu on  overnight.  Our  staff  accepted  the  challenges  and  learnt  to  equip  themselves
           with  technology,  carried  out  their  teaching  through  online.  Things  were  not  so  easy.
           But SERVITE survived. Though we could not celebrate all the fes vals the way we used
           to  do,  our  teachers  and  students  put  their  heart  and  soul  into  making  videos  on  each
           occasion. Not only for the students, for parents and teachers also we have organized a

           good number of webinars and prayer service. " Let your light shine " being at the
           core of our heart, we tried to reach out to the poor and needy people in our vicinity during
           pandemic.  We  believe  in  3Cs  --  Compassion,  Coopera on  and  Compa bility.  We  firmly
           believe that it is our responsibility to enable the child grow in the most desired manner.
           We  must help students to act with  compassion, kindness, acceptance and responsibility.
           We always welcome novel and innova ve ideas whether it is academics or co- curricular

           fields. We are proud that our students have shown excellence in both.
           I  congratulate  the  en re  magazine  commi ee,  whose  relentless  effort  has  enabled
           to publish our school newsle er. My sincere thanks goes to each and everyone who has
           contributed through their poems, ar cles, stories, jokes etc.
                                                                                                    Sr. Rosary
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