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        Life is about accep ng the challenges along the way, choosing to keep moving
        forward, and savoring the journey.

        Here is the journey of success, our school has accomplished through innumerable
        online  ac vi es.  The  stream  of  no ons  by  our  students,  their  achievements  and
        their  ar s c  skills  are  reflected  through  this  newsle er.  I  am  brimming  with

        exhilara on as we display the caliber of our budding writers.
        We are grateful to the school management commi ee, our Principal  our colleagues
        and our dear students and their parents in helping us in shaping this newsle er.
        The unfathomable enthusiasm, hardwork and dedica on of our editorial team and
        students is appreciable and impeccable.

        Dear  Readers,  When  you  cascade  the  pages  of  this  newsle er  you  will  surely
        appreciate the "bounce back" energy of Servi ans.
        Happy Reading!!!

                          “YOU GET WHAT YOU GIVE"

         My Dear Parents / Students,

         Gree ngs of love and peace.

         I  am  very  happy  to  share  with  you  a  life-inspiring  message  that  we  all  need  to  ponder

         over.  There  is  a  beau ful  saying,  "You  get  what  you  give.”  What  does  it  actually
         mean?  It  means  that  to  be  fully  alive  is  to  share  your  love  &  kindness  with  your  family,
         with your rela ves & friends, with your neighbours & with whoever you come across.

         If  we  do  good  deeds,  if  we  speak  good  words,  we  will  always  get  the  good  as  result.
         So,  what  we  give  is  what  we  get.  When  we  talk  about  love  and  kindness,  it  is  important

         that  these  are  basic  requirements  for  us  as  human  beings,as  living  beings.  Every  living
         being  needs  love  and  kindness  to  survive  in  this  world.  Without  love  and  kindness,
         life will be difficult, barren, too challenging and some mes meaningless.

         If  we  give  love  and  compassion  to  the  outer  world,  one  day,  it  may  not  be  today,  it  may
         not  be  now,  but  one  day  you  will  surely  get  the  result  of  your  good  deeds  because  it  is
         inevitable & certain.

         Yes,  you  get  what  you  give.    Please  keep  that  quote  in  mind  and  try  your  best  to  give
         your love to others without expecta on.

         So,  never  stop  loving,  never  stop  being  kind  to  others  because  one  day  you  will  surely
         get the result of your good deeds.Good deeds never go in vain.

         " Always radiate kindness."

         When  you  radiate  kindness  your  inner  soul,  your  inner  self  will  be  peaceful  and  happy.
         You will make the world a be er place to live in.........a Heaven on Earth.

         May God Bless You.                                                                            Principal
                                                                                                      Sr. Rosary
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