Page 3 - VT Vibe Newsletter Dec 2018 FINAL
P. 3
Message From Kyle
It’s my pleasure to introduce you to central Saskatchewan. Further, we
the holiday edition of our employee acquired full ownership of our oilseed
magazine. As 2018 draws to a close this processing plant at Warden, WA. We
is an ideal time to reflect on what we’ve look forward to achieving our full
achieved as a team over the past year, potential there by further developing
and look ahead to our priorities for the marketing opportunities for farmers in
coming year. the Pacific Northwest and expanding the
local canola market. I’d like to take the
Over the last several months, we’ve opportunity to officially welcome staff
moved ahead with several targeted at both of these locations to the Viterra
investments within our asset network team. a variety of worthwhile causes and
to support our ongoing focus on initiatives in the communities where we
operational excellence. You’ll recall that Operationally, we achieved a few live and work. Check out our community
we opened two new high throughput noteworthy milestones. I’m pleased to investment section in this issue for more
terminals at Wadena, SK and Vegreville, say that in October, we broke several details on the positive impact we’ve
AB. Both projects have been met with shipping and receiving records at our made through these projects.
great enthusiasm in these communities, Cascadia and Pacific port terminals. This
and we look forward to providing strong performance is the result of many
customers in those areas with excellent members of our team working closely As we look ahead to next year, our focus
service for many years to come. In together, and I’d like to commend those will remain on investing in our value
addition, we announced significant involved for their focus and execution. chain and working closely with our
expansions of our Stettler, AB and supply chain partners to ensure we’re
Binscarth, MB grain elevators that will We also continued investing in our well positioned to support the efficient
increase rail capacity, expand storage tools and processes to enhance our movement of Canada’s agricultural
capacity, and support faster throughput, customer service. We launched a commodities today and well into the
creating further value for local delivery scheduler to help reduce line- future. It’s up to all of us to ensure
customers. ups and wait times at our facilities, as that we continue to innovate, execute
well as online GPA contracting through and stay focused on providing the best
myViterra so that customers can create customer service in our industry.
I encourage you to bring your contracts anywhere, anytime. These
ideas forward on ways we are great examples of the way we’re I want to sincerely thank all of you for
your efforts in 2018. As a team we’ve
can continue being creative innovating in our business to ensure demonstrated our dedication, resilience,
we’re aligned with our customers and
and adding value for our their needs. I encourage you to bring and leadership which will continue
customers. your ideas forward on ways we can to determine our success in 2019 and
continue being creative and adding value beyond.
for our customers.
And just this week, we successfully Happy holidays and please remember to
closed our purchase of Gardiner Dam As has been the case for the last several stay safe,
Terminal, making us the sole owners years, we’ve also been very active on the
of the grain terminal at Strongfield community investment front. Throughout
and strengthening our presence in the year we continued to support Kyle
At Viterra, people are our greatest strength.
Please visit our Careers page regularly for exciting new opportunities across our company.