Page 6 - VT Vibe Newsletter Dec 2018 FINAL
P. 6
‘The Gift of Life: My Kidney Donation Story’
normal life with one kidney, the surgery place as part of this paired donation chain,
Submitted by Megan Owen-Evans is far less invasive than it once was, and so surgeries would be performed at both
that if I entered the LPD program as an St.Paul’s and Vancouver General Hospital.
Manager, Cascadia Terminal anonymous donor I could potentially My surgery was done laparoscopically so
kick start a chain of kidney transplants to I had only four small incisions - making
For those who have a loved one with benefit many people rather than just one. recovery far easier than it once would have
kidney disease, they may wish to donate been. I was released two days after surgery
but find they’re not a match. Canadian Once I was armed with all this and returned to work in four weeks. After
Blood Services, partnered with transplant information I knew I had to become less than two months I was playing soccer
agencies across the country, created an anonymous donor. I was healthy again and participated in ‘Tough Mudder’
the Living Paired Donation program to and knew I could recover quickly from competition four months post-surgery. Today
pair unmatched donors with unmatched surgery, so I contacted BC Transplant in I am healthy, fit and happy.
recipients. late 2011 to start the process.
This past January, by way of luck, I got to
In Canada one is also able to become an It was a lengthy and thorough process, meet my recipient after 5 years! It was very
anonymous or ‘non-directed’ donor. This designed to ensure the donor is fulfilling to meet her in person and see that
means you can donate a kidney without extremely healthy and not compromising she is happy and healthy and her quality of
knowing who you are donating it to. A their own health by donating, and to life is far superior to what is was before the
non-directed donor can enter the Living ensure they’re serious about going surgery. I strongly encourage anyone who
Paired Donation (LPD) program and forward with the surgery. I was told I has thought about becoming a living kidney
potentially create a chain of transplants would likely never know the identity of donor but is not sure what impact it will have
since they have no partner in need of a my recipient (there are strict rules around on their life to take the next step – do your
kidney in return. anonymity) and I had to undergo roughly research and speak to somebody whose done
6 months of extensive medical testing it (you can contact me directly). The pain of
This is what I did in February 2013. before being deemed fit to enter the surgery is very short-lived but the positive
program. There is a waiting period before impact you can make on someone else’s life
The most common question I get asked pairings are run through the national is beyond worth it!
is what motivated me to become an database – this program is run only 3 or
anonymous donor. 4 times per year. I was told I had a match
on the first run and informed my surgery Organ Donation in Canada
When I was in elementary school I had a would take place in February 2013.
good friend that had kidney disease and There are two types of donors: living
underwent dialysis. It stuck with me how On Monday, February 25th 2013 I had donors and deceased donors. Living donor
unfair it was that he couldn’t enjoy many my surgery at St. Paul’s Hospital in organ transplants have a higher success
of the simple things that everyone else Vancouver. I was told by my surgeon that rate than transplants from deceased
could. I saw him years later and he had there would be four transplants taking donors.
undergone two transplants but rejected
them both, and was ineligible for a third. The most common living donor transplant
This made me more passionate about is kidney, but one can donate a portion of
raising awareness about organ donation their liver, lung, small bowel or pancreas.
and how to register.
Living kidney transplant is the most
Fast forward to 2011 – I was getting successful of all transplant procedures.
my Business Degree at Simon Fraser
University and I had to write a paper on In 2017 there were approximately 3,200
potential solutions to a social problem. people in Canada waiting for a kidney
I chose to write mine on Canada’s organ transplant. The current median wait time is
donation system. In conducting my 4 years.
research, I learned that one can donate a
kidney anonymously in Canada, which is For more details on how to register in your
not well known and something I wasn’t province or territory: www.lifepassiton.
aware of. I further educated myself on ca or
the fact that one can live an absolutely Megan (left) earlier this year got to meet registries.
the recipient of the kidney she donated.