Page 5 - VT Vibe Newsletter March 2021 FINAL
P. 5

C360° Enhancements

        At the end of last year, we   overview of how we are
        launched C360°, our new   progressing towards our
        customer relationship     goals each week.  Making
        management tool.  Through   all of this information
        this tool, our goal is to provide  available within C360° is
        our customer facing staff   more efficient than our
        with timely insights and   previous process of logging
        information to strengthen   into multiple apps to get the
        their relationships.  By   same information.
        leveraging C360° to its
        fullest, and properly utilizing   The next enhancement,
        its features, our team    slated for rollout over the
        can identify trends and   coming weeks, relates to
        opportunities to support our   ‘campaign functionality’.
        customers and provide them   This will allows us to
        with superior service.    better track customer
                                  engagement for specific
        To ensure we can maximize   marketing campaigns by:
        its benefits for staff as we
        move forward, we plan to                              FROM THE FRONT LINES
        continue adding features   •   Reviewing the
        and enhancements to C360°.    effectiveness of        “C360° is an excellent tool.  I’ve found it really helpful in
        Most recently, we developed   marketing initiatives   managing customer contacts through SMS and email, as well
        a series of dashboards,   •   Assigning tasks         as updating data for each customer account such as on-farm
        providing information on      towards specific        inventory.  I really see us doing more and more with the tool
        items such as contracts,      marketing goals         moving forward, as we continue to implement new features to
        receipts, customer contacts,   •   Enhanced focus on our   support our customer relationships.”
        and sustainability and IP     customer segments
        program sign-ups, which                               Brandy Little, Customer Account Rep, Grimshaw
        provides users with a visual   •   Targeted marketing

       myViterra Connection

                            Wendy Shand,    because it helps ensure that none of this   in real-time is also very beneficial as it
                            Customer        real-time information is lost in the day-to-  allows us to immediately address any
                            Account         day rush. The Futures Prices Change Alert   potential concerns.
                            Representative   is extremely helpful in assisting producers
                                            watch the market, as it can be customized   What do your producers say about how
                            How long have   to send alerts for any change in the market  myViterra benefits their operations?
                            you been with   that a producer is interested in.     I hear great feedback about myViterra from
                            Viterra?                                              my producers. Most often I hear how much
                            I have been with   How does myViterra create efficiency in   producers appreciate the Alerts feature of
                            Viterra for almost   your day-to-day role?            myViterra and how they can access their
                            14 years and    myViterra creates efficiencies in my day-  unload and settlement information in real-
        have worked in many different roles since   to-day in a variety of ways. I find it really   time. It’s clear that having this immediate
        I started.                          helpful that producers are able to access   access to information is something that
                                            their basic account information within   our producers really value. I also hear
        What do you like about myViterra? How   myViterra, as it lets me concentrate more   positive comments about producers being
        does the tool benefit your customers?  on business focused conversations and   able to customize their preferred locations
        I like that producers are able to see our   providing that trusted marketing advice   and crop products within their accounts,
        current prices, view their settlements and   that my producers are looking for. Market   as it makes the information they receive
        unloads, and receive  notifications when   Program Alerts are also really helpful   more valuable and relevant to their unique
        a Market Program is entered into the   because producers can be notified of   situations.
        system. It gives our producers access to   Market Programs immediately rather than
        information in real-time so they don’t miss   relying on us as CARs to notify them. The
        opportunities. I also like the Alerts feature   fact that unload information is available
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