Page 9 - VT Vibe Newsletter March 2021 FINAL
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CANADIAN AG LITERACY MONTH This program strives to bring agriculture for the food we eat, and the people who
March is Canadian Agriculture Literacy to life in the classroom to assist students produce it.
Month! What began as a weeklong event in learning about, connecting with, and
in 2012 has grown to be a month-long understanding the importance of the This year’s interactive activities include a
initiative hosted by Agriculture in the agriculture industry. Students are given video tour and virtual presentation from a
Classroom Canada— and this year, the the opportunity to engage in interactive local farmer and/or agriculture industry
program celebrates its 10th anniversary! activities to stimulate an appreciation professional. To learn more, visit their
CANADA’S AG DAY the form of a digital contest where youth Thank you Ray for organizing this local
February 23, 2021 was Canada’s Ag were encouraged to submit photos of a activity and to everyone who participated in
Day! Celebrations were virtual this year farming related snow sculpture or drawing this year’s campaign to celebrate Canadian
and offered participants the opportunity to promote farm safety and/or thank a agriculture!
to engage in various social media farmer. The initiative had a great turnout
challenges, such as posting a photo or and all participants were entered into a
video celebrating Canadian Ag, cooking random draw for a local restaurant gift
an all-Canadian meal, card.
or posting a “Forks Up”
selfie in celebration of this
year’s theme, ‘Forks Up for
Canadian Ag.’
In addition to these
social media challenges,
Ray Baloun, Customer
Account Representative
at our Brandon facility,
spearheaded a local
initiative to celebrate
farmers in the Brandon
region. Ray’s initiative took
CANADIAN FOODGRAINS BANK 2021 will be farmed by local volunteers, with VITERRA’S Z99 RADIOTHON ACTIVITIES
Viterra is proud to renew its partnership all proceeds from the sale of the crops As with other fundraising events this
with the Canadian Foodgrains Bank for being donated directly to the Foodgrains past year, the annual Z99 Radiothon will
2021. Each year, our partnership makes Bank. These growing projects will take be held as a virtual event on April 15th,
a positive impact on communities around place around our terminals in Lethbridge, but that hasn’t stopped us from taking
the world as we work to support the Stettler, and Trochu (Alberta), Grenfell, part in creative fundraising activities!
Foodgrains Bank in their mission to end Raymore, and Balgonie (Saskatchewan) Throughout the month of February, various
world hunger. again this year. virtual activities took place at Head Office,
including jeans days each Friday, virtual
As we launch into this fifth year of our We look forward to another successful coffee breaks, raffles, and specialty
partnership, approximately 296 acres of partnership and the positive impact these take-out orders from Sprout Café to raise
land around six of our terminal locations growing projects will have on those in funds for the Radiothon. Through these
need. initiatives, we raised $2,860, which was
matched corporately for a total of $5,720!
FOLLOW US! All of these funds will be donated directly
to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit at the
We regularly feature community investments, corporate Regina General Hospital.
achievements and other accomplishments on our social
Thank you to everyone who participated in
channels. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and these events to support such a worthwhile
LinkedIn and stay connected. cause!
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