Page 3 - VT Vibe Newsletter June 2018 DRAFT
P. 3


       From Kyle

       Welcome to the summer edition of     so that we operate smoothly and make
       the Viterra Vibe.  I’m pleased to share   the most of the marketing opportunities
       another issue with you and keep you   before us.
       up to speed on what’s going on across
       our company.  Please remember that   As a company, we’ve continued making
       this is your newsletter, so don’t hesitate   the necessary investments in our assets,
       to reach out to us with your story   processes and technology to support this
       submissions and ideas.               focus.  Our new builds in Wadena and
                                            Vegreville will come online in the next
       We’re already halfway through the year   few months, in addition to the numerous
       and as you’ll see, we’ve been busy on   other upgrades that we’re making
       several fronts as we work to meet our   throughout our asset network.  And as
       objectives as a team and move our    many of you are aware, at the beginning
       business forward.  In the following   of the year we implemented our five
       pages, you’ll find great examples of   week plan to ensure that we have a
       our business highlights, employee    framework for proper communication    and move our customers’ production
       accomplishments and community        and coordination and that we’re always   and meet the needs of our end users.
       investments.                         load ready to the best possible extent.    Regardless of what’s happening in world
                                                                                  markets – whether its trade tensions,
       With seeding across Western          To further enhance our commitment     market access issues, or competition
                                            to superior service, we are launching   from other origins – it is up to us to
       Canada complete, now is the          a customized delivery scheduler       continue finding and executing on
       time to look ahead to harvest        throughout our business next week.    marketing opportunities to keep our
       and keep our focus on providing      Our delivery scheduler is designed to   business moving in the right direction.
                                            improve our customers’ experience at
       the high level of service that our   our facilities by reducing lineups and wait   As always, we want to hear from you.
       customers expect from Viterra.       times.  This comes as a result of careful   If you have story ideas, questions,
                                            research based on customer and staff   or comments, please reach out to us
                                            surveys, and a pilot that was conducted   anytime.
       With seeding across Western Canada   at ten of our sites last year.
       complete, now is the time to look
       ahead to harvest and keep our focus on   While we can create processes and invest  Have a great summer,
       providing the high level of service that   in our assets to support our business,
       our customers expect from Viterra.  We   it is up to us to make the most of these
       need to ensure that all the pieces of   resources.  We need to continue working
       our value chain are working in tandem   together as a team to effectively market   Kyle

                                At Viterra, people are our greatest strength.

               Please visit our Careers page regularly for exciting new opportunities across our company.
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