Page 8 - VT Vibe Newsletter June 2018 DRAFT
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Community Investment
KidSport Corporate Challenge Viterra expands partnership with the
Two teams of Viterra employees took Canadian Foodgrains Bank
part in the 22nd annual KidSport Viterra and the CFGB recently announced
Corporate Challenge at the University that Viterra is providing nearly 400 acres
of Regina on May 12. They competed of land around six of its grain terminals
hard against 26 other teams in events in Alberta and Saskatchewan to the
like axe throwing, lawn bowling and Foodgrains Bank to support its fight
capture the flag. Thanks to their against global hunger. The project builds
efforts in the weeks leading up to the on last year’s successful pilot project
event, and with Viterra’s corporate Viterra teams ‘Beach Please’ and ‘Scared Hitless’ that saw Viterra provide the Foodgrains
match, they raised $5000! Overall, competed in the 22nd KidSport Corporate Challenge. Bank with access to 42 acres of land to
the challenge raised over $132,000 farm around its terminals in Balgonie,
for KidSport Regina, which will go a Saskatchewan and Stettler, Alberta.
long way in supporting its mission
in giving all kids in the community Farm families and communities in the
an opportunity to experience the Albertan towns of Lethbridge, Trochu and
positive benefits of organized sports. Stettler as well as Saskatchewan families
and communities in Balgonie, Raymore
and Grenfell are volunteering their time,
Altona Safety Days equipment and resources to farm the land.
Viterra has continued its support Once harvested, proceeds from the sale of
of the Canadian Agricultural Safety the crop will be donated to the Foodgrains
Association (CASA) by sponsoring Bank.
youth safety days across the Prairies
this year, including the miniature
grain safety display that was used at Gary Orthner is
Altona Safety Days last month. teaming up with
a group of local
CASA’s safety day events take place producers to farm
in communities across Canada to 60 acres of feed
provide safety and health education barley around our
for rural youth. Since 2002, CASA Raymore elevator.
has helped to reach over 127,000 Students at the Viterra grain safety display learn
children and participants through more about farm safety at Altona Safety Days.
Safety Day events across the
Canada’s Farm Progress Show
Viterra is once again the title sponsor of Canada’s Farm
Progress Show this year, taking place in Regina June 19-
22. For over 40 years, this event has been a showcase for
the best products, services and innovations in agriculture.
It’s provided an outstanding forum for like-minded people
locally and from over 50 countries to engage in meaningful
dialogue about our industry. The show is a great opportunity
to interact with customers and other stakeholders, so thanks
to everyone who helped out and made sure that we had a
great presence at the show.