Page 9 - VT Vibe Newsletter June 2018 DRAFT
P. 9

2019 STARS calendar launching soon                                Viterra Supports ‘Plaid for Dad’
         Viterra is teaming up with STARS Air                              Employees at the Regina office and at our
         Ambulance once again this year by                                 country facilities put on their plaid and proudly
         sponsoring its 2019 calendar!  We                                 supported Prostrate Cancer Canada’s Plaid for
         continue to receive great feedback on                             Dad campaign on June 15th.  Thanks to our staff,
         this initiative from our employees and                            we raised over $4,000 for the campaign!
         customers, and we’re excited to continue                          Prostate Cancer Canada will use the funds raised
         our support.  The calendars will be                               for the development of programs related to
         available for purchase at our facilities                          awareness, public education, advocacy, support,
         this fall, and we look forward to our staff                       and research in to the prevention, detection,
         actively promoting the calendar to our                            treatment and cure of prostate cancer. To learn
         customers and supporting our overall                              more about how the organization is making a
         fundraising efforts.                                              difference, visit
                                                       Acheson staff

                            Crossfield staff                                      Regina office IT staff


          We want to make this a quality newsletter that is engaging
          and informative. If you have comments to share on
          this issue or if you have a story idea for an upcoming
          edition, please reach out to us anytime at viterra.

                                                                                 North Battleford staff
                                                         Teaming up with the
                                                         Saskatchewan Roughriders to    FOLLOW US!
                                                         recognize volunteers
                                                                                        We regularly feature community
                                                         This season, the Riders will be   investments, corporate
                                                         recognizing their hard working   achievements and other
                                                         volunteers from across the     accomplishments on our social
                                                         province through their ‘Viterra   channels.  Follow us on Twitter,
                                                         Volunteer of the Game’ segment.    Facebook, Instagram and
                                                         One person will be selected and   LinkedIn and stay connected.
                                                         recognized during each home
                                                         game of the regular season.
         Riders CEO Craig Reynolds presents the award on June 15.

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