Page 6 - VT Vibe Newsletter March 2023 (F)
P. 6
Five questions with Nancy Gleim
What are some of your responsibilities? What do you like best about working at
I fill in gaps within our West Territory Viterra?
CAR network. If there is a special buying I really value the support and information
program, a resignation, maternity or that Viterra offers. Guidance from
holiday leave for example, I will jump in management is only a phone call
to procure grain from the designated away and the ever-changing market
customer base and assist the assigned information that we receive helps
team with day-to-day tasks. me build and maintain customer
relationships. I also value the team
What work accomplishment are you environment within the market centers
most proud of? and the encouragement from my peers.
I have a knack for relationship building. I
What is your role with Viterra and how enjoy meeting new people and learning What do you like to do in your spare
long have you been part of the team? about their business practices. I’m
inquisitive and friendly, sometimes to a Hiking, cooking, baking, reading, and
I’ve been a CAR Rover in the West territory fault…the odd customer likes to overshare shopping. I’ve never had a green thumb
with Viterra since 2020. Previously, I about life, and I need to steer them back but I’m going to attempt to not kill a
worked with Louis Dreyfus in Calgary to business. Overall though, I’m proud garden this year for the first time. And I
for 17 years, and prior to that, worked at of my ability to maintain a consistent enjoy spending time with my family and
South West Terminal and Saskatchewan representation of our business through friends stargazing around a campfire in
Wheat Pool in the 90’s. times of transition. our backyard.
Five questions with Jim Danderfer
Wataskiwin, Grande Prairie, and now in company. Learning to work with people
Sexsmith. makes it easy to develop relationships
and build trust. I enjoy working in a team
What are some of your responsibilities? environment.
My responsibilities today are working with
a select group of customers to help them What do you like best about working at
build marketing plans to be profitable. I Viterra?
also work with new Customer Account Working with people, working on
Reps, sharing with them strategies that strategies, and having people that listen
have worked and listening to their ideas to new ideas. Viterra offers plenty of
on how to build lasting relationships opportunities to develop and build a great
with customers. Grain marketing can be career. I also admire the support from
done in many ways, and we need to think within the company to grow. I have also
What is your role with Viterra and how outside the box to differentiate Viterra been told over my years that family comes
long have you been part of the team? from its competitors. first and I can say that Viterra stands
behind that 100%.
My current role with Viterra is Regional What work accomplishment are you
Account Manager based in Sexsmith, and most proud of? What do you like to do in your spare
I have been in this position for 14 years. time?
My start date with Viterra was March 1, I am very proud to have been able to work
1983, and during that time I’ve worked with Viterra for 40 years. I have worked I enjoy fishing, curling, woodworking,
at many locations, including Biggar, with many different styles of customers travelling, and spending as much time as I
Dinsmore, Semans, Viking, Camrose, as well as different people within the can with family.
Has one of your fellow colleagues We want to hear from you!
accomplished something significant at We want to make this a quality newsletter that is
your workplace or in your community? engaging and informative. If you have comments to
share on this issue or if you have a story idea for an
Contact to share upcoming edition, please reach out to us anytime at
your story and we’ll include it in an upcoming edition.