Page 4 - VT Vibe Newsletter Sept 2018 FINAL FINAL
P. 4

PCC taking a leading role in

       Viterra’s heathy oil strategy

       It’s been a few years since Viterra signed   relationship that we have with those   There has also been consistent growth
       an exclusive supply and marketing    employees, along with their hard work,   in the specialty oil side of the business
       agreement with Pacific Coast Canola in   is allowing us to build good customer   as the plant becomes more efficient and
       Warden, WA.  Originally opened in 2013,   relationships and greater awareness of   capable handling more tonnes.
       it’s the largest expeller-press canola   the value that Viterra can provide local
       processing facility in North America,   farmers in the PNW.”               “We’ve made great strides at Warden,
       producing a variety of healthy canola                                      both from a marketing and operational
       oils to meet demand from leading food   This includes arranging crop tours   standpoint,” said Smoot. “We’re confident
       manufacturers and distributors. It also   for local farmers, and partnering with   that if our team there continues to
       produces meal products that are sold   commercial and educational institutions   perform as well as it has been, that PCC
       into the dairy, cattle and other livestock   on research plots to generate positive   will become our go-to facility for healthy
       markets.                             awareness about canola.  But more     oil exports and play a much bigger role in
                                            than that, there has been a strong focus   our processing strategy going forward.”
       Since then, employees at the facility have  on providing customers with flexible
       been working closely with members    contracting opportunities, and
       of the Regina and Minneapolis teams   working with commercial grain
       to develop marketing opportunities for   handlers to support longer term
       farmers in the Pacific Northwest (PNW)   storage programs for farmers.
       and expand the local canola market.  Improving logistics has also been a
                                            key focus.
       “The team at the Warden plant has
       clearly demonstrated its commitment   All of this has clearly had a positive
       to our growth strategy for the region,”   impact, as canola acreage numbers
       said David Smoot, Vice-President US   have been growing steadily over
       Merchandising. “The direct working   the last few years in the PNW.

       New tool delivering results at Moose Jaw

       Although our delivery scheduler was   how we communicate the benefits to our  “In the past when I delivered here, there
       rolled out only a few months ago, some   customers.”                       were times when I’d wait an hour or more
       of our facilities are already starting to see                              to unload.  Today’s delivery was fantastic,
       the benefits.                        By being consistent and selling the   and I actually signed up three more loads
                                            advantages of the tool, the goal is to shift  than I originally anticipated because of
       At Moose Jaw, it’s beginning to have   the mentality when it comes to making   the short wait times”, said Gary Gadd who
       a positive impact on lineups and wait   deliveries at our facilities.      farms southeast of Moose Jaw, SK.
       times.  The facility has had several big
       tonnage days since implementation, and   “Instead of having our customers come   Another customer also noticed a
       in many cases there haven’t been more   in and ask ‘What time are you open   significant improvement as a result of the
       than two trucks waiting in line.     until?’  we want our customers to ask   delivery scheduler.
                                            ‘Do you have room on your schedule to
       “Everyone at Moose Jaw has been      accommodate me?’, said Kristoff.      “Everything seems to flow pretty
       working hard on proper communication                                       good there with this new tool,” Jason
       and consistency for the past few years”   One local farmer has already seen the   Waldenberger, who farms at Marquis,
       said Tim Kristoff, Facility Operations   positive impact, and was enthusiastic   SK.  “It’s really improved the time I spend
       Manager at our Moose Jaw facility. “We   after he made his first delivery since   at the facility and you can really see how
       all need to be on the same page when it   using tool.                      it benefits everyone involved, from staff
       comes to why we’re using the tool and                                      to farmers to trucking companies, saving
                                                                                  them valuable time.”

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