Page 7 - VT Vibe Newsletter Sept 2018 FINAL FINAL
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          EMPLOYEES ACCOMPLISHED                                   DID YOU KNOW?

          SOMETHING SIGNIFICANT AT                                 Glencore Agriculture is a global leader in the
                                                                   origination, handling, processing and marketing of
          YOUR WORKPLACE OR IN YOUR                                agricultural commodities, with a strong position in

          COMMUNITY?                                               major markets, including:
          Contact to                  Top three grain and oilseeds exporter from
          share your story and we’ll include it in an upcoming           Russia, EU, Canada and Australia.
                                                                         Top three marketer of seaborne traded wheat,
                                                                         durum wheat, feed barley, pulses, canola,
       Focus on Employee Programs                                        sunflower and sunflower seed/oil/meal.

                                                                         World’s largest soybean crushing plant in
       Please note that employees covered under Collective               Argentina.
       Agreements may participate in programs that differ from those
       outlined below.                                                   Strategically located storage and handling
                                                                         assets in key operating regions in worldwide.
       Cost Savings Ideas You Can Use at the Pharmacy

       Did you know?                                           charge for drugs – pharmacies are not. Pharmacies can charge
       •   Prescription drugs account for about 80% of your health   any mark-up or dispensing fee that is considered standard for
           plan’s cost.                                        their store or company.
       •   You can save on prescriptions and help reduce drug plan   Cost Saving Ideas:
           costs without compromising the quality of care or service   - Shop Around for the Best Price
           you receive.
                                                               In Canada, dispensing fees alone can range anywhere from $4
       •   As with other products, being a “smart consumer” applies   to $16 for each prescription you have filled. Since the dispensing
           to prescription drugs as well. You can save a few dollars   fee and the pharmacy mark-up will vary depending on where you
           and at the same time help manage your health plan costs.   shop, call the pharmacies in your local area before filling your
                                                               prescription. You may discover it pays to shop around.
       Although costs vary depending on where you fill your
       prescription, three factors determine the price of prescription   - Three-Month Supply
                                                               Filling your regular prescription (such as cholesterol-lowering,
                                                               blood pressure medication, oral contraceptives, insulin or other
            The Drug Ingredient Cost is the amount a pharmacist pays   drugs taken regularly on a long-term basis) every three months,
          to buy the drug. A Pharmacy Mark-Up refers to an additional   instead of monthly, reduces the number of dispensing fees you
                                           amount a pharmacist   are charged and saves a few trips to the pharmacy.
                                          may charge for a drug,
                                          above the original drug   - Manulife’s “My Drug Plan” Online
                                             cost. The mark-up is
                                          applied to help pay for   My Drug Plan is an online tool for Manulife plan members with
                                         the costs of running the   a drug card that can help you find out whether a drug you are
                                         pharmacy. A Dispensing   being prescribed is eligible under your drug plan, requires prior
                                           Fee is the professional   authorization, or if it may be eligible under a provincial drug plan.
                                        fee a pharmacist charges   The drug lookup feature will provide you with an estimate of how
                                          to fill your prescription.   much you will be out of pocket and tell you if there is a lower cost
                                                               alternative to help lower your drug costs.
                                        Canadian drug
                                        manufacturers are      The My Drug Plan tool can be accessed by logging into the
                                        limited in what they can   Manulife Plan Member Secure Site or downloading the My Drug
                                                               Plan mobile app.

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