Page 11 - Vina Fitriani_2012021197_E-Modul
P. 11

2.      Expression of Introduce Someone to Other

                                     Introducing Other

                                   Please allow me to introduce

                                    our new friend. He is……
                                   Let me introduce you to my

                                    parents. My father is… and

                                    my mother is…

                                   I’d like you to meet my best

                                    friend. She is…

                                   Give me time to introduce

                                    my boyfriend. He is…

                             Introducing  other  is  introducing  other  people  (friends,  friends,

                             co-workers, colleagues, fathers, mothers, and others) in English

                             by  using  the  correct  sentences  and  expressions  so  that  both

                             those we introduce and those who hear them can get a picture of

                             what people are really like. that we introduce.

                             Example: 1. Please allow me introduce our new friend. He is Robi.

                                         2. I’d like you to meet my best friend. She is Nazila.

                                         3. Give me time to introduce my boyfriend. He is Dias.

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