Page 16 - Vina Fitriani_2012021197_E-Modul
P. 16

Kania is a new student. She is introducing herself to her classmate,

                           Kania    : “Hello, my name is Kania. I am a new student here. I live
                           at Juanda street No. 18 Semarang.”

                           Oktavia : “ Hi, Kania. My name is Oktavia. I am your classmate. My
                           adrees is at Mekar street No. 19 Semarang.”

                           Kania     : “What is your hobby?”

                           Oktavia : “Swimming and singing.”

                           Kania     : “ Oh… I think we have the same hobbies.”

                           1.  Where does Kania live?

                               a.  At Juanda Street No.18 Semarang   c. At Juanda Street No. 19 Solo

                               b.  At Juanda Street No. 9 Semarang    d. At Juanda Street No. 81 Solo

                           2.  Is Kania have the same hobby with Oktavia?

                               a.  Yes, they are                          c. Yes, she is

                               b.  No they aren’t                         d. No, they don’t

                           3.  Where is Oktavia live?

                               a.  At Mekar Street No. 18 Semarang.

                               b.  At Mekar Street No. 19 Semarang.

                               c.  At Juanda Street No. 19 Solo

                               d.  At Juanda Street No. 19 Semarang

                           Text for number 4-5

                           Hello! My name is Adrian. I am student. I live at Cherry street. (4) …

                           father is police officer and my mother is a housewife. I go to school by bicycle.

                           My bicycle color (5)… green


                               a.  His                      c. My

                               b.  Their                    d. Our

                           5.  a. Are                         c. Am

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