Page 19 - Vina Fitriani_2012021197_E-Modul
P. 19

3.  B                    8.  A

                           4.  C                    9.  D

                           5.  B                    10. C

                        B.  Fill in the blanks below with appropriate phrase!

                           1.  Good morning.

                           2.  How are you?

                           3.  Live.

                           4.  Nice to meet you.

                           5.  From.

                           6.  How old are you?

                           7.  Nick.

                           8.  Where.

                           9.  Hobby.

                           10. See you later.

                       C.  Do the questions below in your assignment book!

                           1.  Introduce  myself  is  a  form  of  expression  and  expression  used  by

                               individuals to introduce themselves.

                           2.  Subject  pronouns,  object  pronouns,  possessive  adjective,

                               possessive pronouns, reflexive pronouns.

                           3.  - Let me introduce myself

                               - Hello my name is…

                               - Hi! I’m…

                           4.  I, you, they.

                           5.  Mine, yours, his.

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