Page 17 - Vina Fitriani_2012021197_E-Modul
P. 17

b.Is                         d. Were

                           6.  Nadin : What is his brother’s name?

                               Mita   : … name is Anthony

                               a.  My

                               b.  Your

                               c.  Her

                               d.  His

                           7.  Maria has a new dog … fur is soft and heavy

                               a.  His                      c. It

                               b.  Her                      d. Its

                           8.  I have a doll … dos is as big as me

                               a.  My                       c. His

                               b.  Her                      d. Their

                           9.  Tina and Nina’s sisters will enroll University this year … sister

                               will enroll in the same University.

                               a.  Our

                               b.  Their

                               c.  His

                               d.  Her

                           10. We live in Pondok Indah Regency …. House is neighboring.

                               a.  Their                           c. Our

                               b.  We                              d. Her

                       B. Fill in the blanks below with appropriate phrase!

                          1.  Cika     : Good morning, dad.

                              Father : …………, sweetheart

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