Page 18 - Vina Fitriani_2012021197_E-Modul
P. 18

2.  Fiva : …………

                              Dila : I am fine.

                          3.  I ………… at Jl. Sudirman 71 Bogor

                          4.  Melani : Nice to meet you

                              Syafa  : ………… too

                          5.  My name is Sandra. I am ……… Bali

                          6.  Nina : ……………

                              Azka : I am ten years old.

                          7.  I am Sarah Salimar. My …………… name is Sarah

                          8.  Bayu : …………… do you live?

                              Riska : I live in Jakarta

                          9.  I am Delisa. My ……………… is reading books

                          10. Dara : ……………………, Putri

                              Putri : See you later

                      C.  Do the questions below in your assignment book!
                          1.  What is introduce myself?

                          2.  What are included in pronouns?

                          3.  Mention three examples of expression of the self introduction!

                          4.  Mention three examples of subject pronouns!

                          5.  Mention three examples of possessive pronouns!

                          G. Formative Answer Key

                        A.  Put a cross (X) letter a, b, c, or d on the correct answer!
                           1.  A                    6.  D

                           2.  B                    7.  C

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