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Reflections from States during COVID-19 Crisis
June 10, 2020
This Webinar had many eminent panelists and stakeholders from various States and it discussed vital
points affecting schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. The following issues were discussed in the
open forum:Challenges in Reopening of Schools – It was suggested to declare academic session
2020-21 a zero year.Collection of School Fees – The outcome was that schools should waive off fees
of at least one quarter and the government should provide some kind of financial support.Digital
Learning – Panelists were unanimous that there has to be a blend of physical and virtual teaching-
learning if it is going to be the new norm or else it should be stopped completely as it cannot be a
substitute for real classroom.Governments should involve educationists, different boards, school
managements and parent bodies, NGOs, teachers’ associations and other stakeholders of the
education sector to share ideas and multiple alternatives in planning a road map for the current
academic year.Children should be engaged in a constructive way. The panelists suggested a
reduction of the syllabus and opening schools once the pandemic situation is under control, even if it
is late in the year.
Back to School: New Sanitisation and Hygiene Challenges for Indian Schools
September 12, 2020
This Webinar discussed learning, washing spaces, assessments and planning, response skills, provision
and participation, SOPs, curriculum integration / risk resilience and contingency planning. The
resource persons laid stress on sanitation and hygiene, sanitary hygiene, need for wash areas and
proper sanitization of schools in rural areas.The main concerns in urban areas were students coming
to school, training staff, students and support staff for maintaining proper hygiene, cough and
sneezing etiquettes and social distancing. Attending to situations and avoiding panic if cases are
found in school. Need to take extra precautions and care of children with special needs was also
discussed.The webinar ended with a round of questions and answers.
Care for Career for a Better Tomorrow
May 16, 2020
An informative online session on Career Counselling was conducted by Mr. Avinashi Sharan from
Career Launcher for the senior school students of The Millennium School, Sector 41, Noida.The main
aim of the workshop was to enlighten students of all streams regarding their career options, colleges
and institutions, foreign universities, issues like fees, cut-off marks, visas and admission procedures.
Presentations in various forms, thoughtfully conceived and executed, were used to stress the points of
discussion.Factors affecting the choice of students vis-à-vis careers were addressed and myths
regarding the choices were removed to a large extent. It was indeed a share-worthy experience.