P. 8


                   2.1  UNDERWATER WORKS RESULT
                      The Underwater Works of MT Sinar Mataram was carried out as per instruction of PT

                      Samudera Indonesia Ship Management, which area included:
                      1.  Underwater rope / net removal from bow thruster and propeller M/E.
                      2.  Underwater Visual Inspection (photo) before and after.

                      PT Samudera Mbiantu Sesami commenced the underwater works on June 03, 2023,
                      and  successfully  concluded  underwater  work  in  same  day.  After  General  Visual
                      Inspection  the  diver  revealed  that  no  damage,  no  deformity,  or  other  anomaly
                      during the time of the aforementioned general visual inspection in bow thruster,

                      sea chest, and propeller M/E.
                     GENERAL INFORMATION
                     Name of Client     : PT SAMUDERA INDONESIA SHIP MANAGEMENT
                     Name of Vessel     : MT SINAR MATARAM
                     LOA                :  88.60 m  Breadth    : 14.60 m       IMO No.   : 9545390
                     Type of Vessel     : Chemical Tanker/Oil Tanker
                     Client PIC         : Mr. A. Yoyok Puji Basuki (Fleet Dept. Head)
                     Date of Work       : 03 June 2023
                     Location           : Long 5°58'52.8"S – Lat 105°57'44.0"E (Tanjung Gerem Anchorage,
                     Anchor-Chain On    : Portside     [ √  ]            Starboard side  [    ]
                     Condition          Current / Wind            0.8 / 5 Knot
                                        Visibility                     1-2 m
                                        Weather Condition              Clam
                     Equipment          Diving Gear             [ √ ]   2 Set(s)  Diver’s Boat     1 Boat
                                        CCTV                         [     ]   Set(s)   Patrol Boat   ………….Boat
                                        U/W Camera           [ √ ]    1 Set(s)  Other

                                             UNDERWATER WORKS PERFORMED
                     Scope of Work   [     ] UWILD   [     ] In-Water Survey   [ √ ] Removal Rope/Net
                                    [     ] REPAIR   [     ] DOUBLING       [ √ ] Visual Inspection
                     Hull Cleaning   [     ] Full    [     ] Both Side      [     ] Port Side   [   ] Stbd Side
                                    [     ] Flat Bottom  [     ] Propeller Polish   [     ] Propeller    [   ] Other

                                                  POST UNDERWATER WORK
                     No.                                Activities                               Yes   No
                      1.   Bow Thruster & Propeller M/E Success fully clear from Rope/Net …………………   √
                     2.   Damage (if any) Reported to Master / Superintendent ………………………………………          √
                     3.   Master/Representative Visually Inspected Photo & Video Survey …………………   √

                     No.  Description
                      1.   Before Diving Team PT Samudera Mbiantu Sesami (SMS) commenced the underwater
                          works, based on the confirmation from Master of MT Sinar Mataram regarding rope / net
                          entanglement  to  the  bow  thruster  already  clear  and  no  more  rope  /  net  in  the  bow
                          thruster area.  According to the confirmation from Master of Sinar Mataram we / PT SMS
                          continue the general visual inspection (photo & video) of bow thruster, sea chest, and
                          propeller M/E.

           PT SAMUDERA MBIANTU SESAMI                                           SALVAGE AND UNDERWATER WORK SERVICES
           Final Report Underwater Work of Rope/Net Removal from Bow Thruster and Propeller M/E       Page 8 of 49
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