Page 2 - Three New Tables for an Astrology of Three Dimensions
P. 2

Although  flat  horoscopes  will  probably  remain  the  rule,  their
        portrayal  of  geometrical  facts  can  be  improved  upon  by  using  data
        from the tables in  this book.   Illustrations in the  accompanying  text
        indicate some of the ways in which a two-dimensional diagram can be
        supplemented  to  the  point  of  providing  a  clear  picture  of  three-
        dimensional space.
          The text will be easier to follow if certain basic concepts are first
        understood. They are: the poles and great circles of a sphere; sensible
        (or  visible)  and  rational  horizons;  terrestrial  longitude  and  latitude;
        local, sidereal and Greenwich Mean Time; and the relationship of the
        inclination of the ecliptic to the equator, the Tropics, and the Arctic
        and Antarctic Circles.

        Spherical Coordinates and the Horoscope

          A  position  on  the  surface  of  the  earth  expressed  in  degrees  of
        latitude  and  longitude  is based  on  a  system  of  spherical  coordinates
        herein referred to as “axial.” The poles of this system are on the axis of
        rotation.  Measurements  are  made  from  the  point  where  a  particular
        line  of  longitude  (the  Prime  Meridian)  intersects  the  great  circle
        perpendicular to it (the equator), equidistant from the poles.

                 P is at the intersection of the Prime Meridian and the equator

       1  Three New Tables was produced as a book in 1973. The bulk of the effort was in
       writing Fortran IV programs to create the tables; the latter occupied 240 pages of
       that volume. Personal computers were still on the horizon.
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