Page 4 - Three New Tables for an Astrology of Three Dimensions
P. 4

The range of altitude (or latitude, in the local system) is measured
        from 0º at the horizon to 90º at the zenith. The azimuth (or longitude,
        in the local system) can be measured from any arbitrary point on the
        horizon; it is not of concern here.
          Calculating the data of a horoscope mathematically links these three
        coordinate systems to produce a picture of the solar system relative to
        any given time and place on the earth. This can be done because all
        three systems have a common center and the differences between their
        sets of coordinates are linked by certain constants (the axial poles are
        inclined 23º27’ to the ecliptic poles, and the Prime Meridian crosses 0º
        Aries at 0:00 S.T. once a day).

       2  See the North Azimuth Table supplement (below), added a year later to complete
       this set of possibly significant corrections and additions to astrological variables.
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