Page 58 - Lulu and Bob in Verbo City
P. 58

“Let me punctuate this,” said Lulu with a mouthful. “‘Our glassy
        eyes close, we doze and asleep’. Are you ready with the next one?”
          “No,  I’m  not.  Uncle  started  off  with  two  zeroes.  I  don’t  get  it.
        ‘Double  naught’?  ‘Goose  eggs’?  Maybe  they  are  Little  Orphan
        Annie’s eyes: she didn’t have pupils. Otherwise they’re just nothings.”
          “‘Nothings’,” mused Lulu. “Slow it down and you get ‘no things’—
        or perhaps he is being very subtle and it means ‘know things’. Let’s
        not spend too much time on it: we don’t have to solve it in order,
        same  as  a  crossword  puzzle.  Other  words  will  help  us.  Next  is  an
        insect-amphibian pair: easy! ‘Bees’ plus ‘toad’. ‘Bestowed’!”
          “Good job,” said Bob. “Then it’s the inn again, followed by an ear
        plus the letter ‘E’. That’s ‘eerie’, unless Uncle is thinking of the lake.”
          “Not likely. The last word is three phonopictograms: a frying pan
        plus a foot with the big toe indicated plus what looks like a clown. If
        the first two parts are ‘pan-toe,’ then  that fellow must be a mime:
        ‘pantomime’. That does it.”
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