Page 26 - Ferry Tales
P. 26


        habitats, staffed by very similar industrious midgets, elves and imps,
        who carry out their masters’ instructions tirelessly year-round.”
          I know some of that went beyond her comprehension, Cerberus,
        but  I  have  the  whole  thing  memorized  and  timed  so  it  will  finish
        before the trip is over.
          “Now consider this, Nestor: the symbol linking them is coal, dark
        but  potentially  burning  brightly,  cherry  red.  It  is  from  the  Devil’s
        domain, dead fuel forced into life again by his element, fire, during
        the long and dangerous winter months. Santa, too, has a use for coal:
        a  lump  in  the  stocking  of  every  child  not  worthy  of  a  Christmas
        present—a  presentiment  of  greater  punishment  to  come,  the
        furnaces of Hell. And out in the snow of an absolutely still winter
        morning,  we  see  the  ghostly  figure  of  a  snowman.  His  dead white
        face like bleached bone is decorated with two lumps of coal, as stark
        as the black shadows of empty eye sockets in a skull.”
          I  supposed  she  was  utterly  fascinated  by  my  powers  of  poetic
        expression. But not for long.
          “So what?” she says. “What’s that to do with me being here?”
          “I’m  getting  there!  Think  back  to  your  early  years:  wasn’t  Santa
        Claus  very  much  like  God,  always  there,  seeing  everything,  and
        judging you according to the rules you were taught came right from
        Heaven? Every child knows that song about Santa Claus coming to
        town.  All  very upbeat. But its real  meaning is somber and serious.
        And  it  shows  the  dark  side  of  Father  Christmas.  Maybe  I’ll  sing a
        little of it for you.”
          “You don’t have to,” she replies, rather quickly. “I know how it
          “Good, good.” I was determined to get my chance, but it could
        wait. “Now, why would the Devil want to appear as Santa Claus to
        immature minds? Pay attention: the infractions children commit are
        usually  discovered  and  summarily  dealt  with  by  parents  who  want
        their  offspring  to  be  good,  and  are  willing  to  be  forgiving.  At  the
        same time they are exposing them to images and ideas about Santa
        Claus, and creating holiday scenarios at home echoing song and story,
        a magical season for the young. And the climax, the pay-off, is a pile
        of  presents  under  the  tree  on  Christmas  morning.  Where  did  they
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