Page 21 - Ferry Tales
P. 21


          Tried  to  bite  you,  didn’t  she?  Probably  thought  from  a  distance
        that you were a paper Foo Dog. Some people can’t take a hint, even
        when it’s snarling and slavering in their face. Ah, well, it was a bit of
        excitement for you, Cerberus: most of them just go meekly into the
        furnace, and you might as well be made of stone.
          But her aggressiveness is not surprising.
          “I want a receipt for that!” she demands, as soon as I can get her
        to pay the fare.
          “Forget  it,  Milton.”  I  caution  her.  “You  won’t  need  to  provide
        your  accountant  any  more  of  your  questionable  tax-deductible
        business expenses.”
           “So you know my name, eh? Who the Hell do you think you are,
        giving me advice?”
          “Oh, I guess we haven’t been properly introduced,” I put on a bit
        of mock-deference to see how far she’ll go with her arrogance. “I’m
        just a poor infernal ferryman,  eking out a miserable living  pushing
        this fragile craft back and forth across a dark polluted river. You are
        Frieda Milton, accustomed to dealing with no one lowlier than a limo
          “That’s right. Why didn’t anyone charter a helicopter for me? This
        is way too slow!”
          “If you knew where you were going, you might not be in such a
        hurry. And this is the only way to get to your destination.”
          That made her take a good look at the situation. “Wait a minute.
        I’ve got a meeting at two-thirty with the controller of Aerosolutions.
        How did I get here?”
          “Choked  on  a  fishbone,  and  none  of  your  flunkies  knew  the
        Heimlich Maneuver.” I didn’t add that none of them wanted to touch
          “Damn it!” she says. “Why am I surrounded by idiots?”
          “Is that a rhetorical question?’

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