Page 155 - Labelle Gramercy, On the Case
P. 155


        The  body  showed  signs  of  trauma  prior  to  the  fatal  blows  being
        struck: bruises on the cheek and temple, indicating the assailant or
        assailants may have knocked her senseless before administering two
        forceful jabs directly below the occiput. An ice pick lay near the body,
        as did  a half-burned kitchen match.  Now,  where precisely  was she
        found, Duncan? Is there a floor plan of the apartment?”
          “Better  than  that,”  I  said  calmly.  “Photographs.  Look  in  the
          Labelle dumped out the eight-by-ten glossies and sorted through
        them rapidly. I had made certain the photographer got all the angles.
        Quite  clear  the  deceased  was  on  her  back,  a  small  pool  of  blood
        beneath  her  head  congealed  on  the  hardwood  flooring  of  the  hall
        outside her bedroom. Another shot from inside that room showed
        her hands laid one on top of the other over her mouth. Maybe the
        beat cops didn’t know what all this meant, but I had wasted no time
        getting  back  to  headquarters  and  starting  the  wheels  in  motion  to
        haul the Simulians in for a friendly chat and get warrants to search
        their premises.
          “What  else  do  we  know  about  Wanda  Lustig?”  Labelle  was
        lingering over the photos. “Married? Ex-husband? Boy friends?”
          “None we could dig up. She had been married in another state and
        divorced  there  twenty  years  ago.  Then  she  moved  here  and  began
        working on her own, using contacts supplied by her local friend, the
        one she was planning to dine with the evening of her death. The ex-
        husband had a heart attack and died four years ago.” That was a rare
        gaffe on the part of Ms. Perfect. Even I could see the absence of a
        wedding band on the ring finger in the photograph taken from the
        foot of the bed.  Maybe Labelle was faking it, a victim of jet lag trying
        to cover it up with a barrage of stupid questions.
          “All right. You rounded up the Simulians and grilled them. Is this a
        summary of their statements?”
          “Yes. The transcripts are available. So are the tapes if you want to
        hear them.”
          She nodded. I could picture Labelle sitting that night in a straight-
        back  wooden  chair  in  her  kitchen,  the  usual  dinner  of  bread  and
        water untouched on the table at her elbow, while she listened intently
        to poorly-recorded Simulian croaks and grunts.

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