Page 83 - Labelle Gramercy, On the Case
P. 83


          “Now  please  give  me  the  highest-level  access  to your  computer
        system. Is there any electronic record of when people enter and leave
        this building?”
          “Yes, if they have one of these magnetic ID cards; the door to the
        lobby  won’t  open  otherwise.  Visitors—like  you—are  given  a
        temporary badge, basically an ID card good for one entry and exit.
        As far as I know, all of this movement is recorded somewhere in the
          Labelle remained  mute, her face betraying  no amusement at my
        unintended  elaboration  of  the  obvious—unless  she  had  already
        discovered a way to sneak into the building unobserved! I began to
        wonder if she fit the  profile of the  megalomaniac with a streak  of
        omniscience. TimeWarper had been stuck with several through the
        years, often in managerial positions; I wish I could say none of them
        were still with the company. Most would end sooner or later hoisted
        on  their  own  petard.  Perhaps  this  cocky  policewoman  would
        overreach, stumble and be out of my hair quickly—say, before lunch,
        which I had hoped to take alone, in the sanctuary of a rear booth at
          I logged on as alternate security officer, another of the ill-fitting
        hats I am forced to wear, and did the deed—with neither finesse nor
        alacrity; computers had been mainly out of sight and out of mind in
        my  early  days  of  gainful  employment.  People  skills  were  what  I’d
        honed  over  the  years  on  the  whetstone  of  human  character.  My
        training  and  instincts  warned  me  to  give  Labelle  Gramercy  a  wide
        berth; and I did have a job to do apart from aiding and abetting her
        intended masquerade.
          “Your  log-on  ID  is  LGRAMERC  and  your  password  is
        GUMSHOE.  So  you  don’t  need  me  for  anything  else  at  the
        moment?” My question approached the rhetorical as she immediately
        commandeered  the  computer  on  my  side  table  and  set  forth  on  a
        furious flurry of keystrokes and mouse-clicks. Some people needed
        instruction before they would touch a machine, afraid it might bite;
        others, like the intrepid lady cop, bit the balky machine until it yielded
        to their commands.
          “Give me about ten minutes,” she said. “I’ll meet you here.”
          “Oh.  Okay.  Make  yourself  at  home.  Coffee?  I  suppose  it’s
        available somewhere, if you want it. No? Okay.”

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