Page 101 - Psychoceramics and the Test of Fire
P. 101

Secrets of the Endosphere

          “Money? Why should I need any money from you?”
          That  query,  posed  pugnaciously  by  someone  who  ought  to  be
        asking  a  diametrically  opposed  question—to  wit,  “why  should  you
        need  to  give  me  any  money?”—almost  caught  me  off  guard,  and
        could have knocked me out of character and off-message. However,
        I  knew  up  front  I  would  be  dealing  with  a  man  to  whom  the
        proposition that up was really down required serious consideration.
        Barry  Cade  had  the  piercing  gaze  of  a  lunatic:  rules  of  polite
        interaction with his fellow humans did not apply to one whose eyes
        emitted  rays  stripping  the  world  bare,  revealing  the  truth,  if  any,
        behind all illusions prior to receiving their image back on his retinas.
        That sort of reflection often looked a lot like self-fulfilling prophecy
        to outsiders. But it brooked no disagreement. I was determined not
        to satisfy his need to reject preemptively any and all who might lead
        him down the path to ridicule; instead I would follow him through
        his tortuous minefield of challenges and paradoxes. He didn’t know I
        had a map.
          When Al Magnus made me a handsome offer to contact, establish
        trust with and shower riches upon a series of struggling eccentrics, it
        wasn’t immediately clear how my potpourri of skills, experiences and
        quirks of character fit the job requirements. He claimed to have his
        own  scientific  method  of  matching  people  to  functions  in  his
        organization, and made it all seem quite convincing. It was, perhaps,
        the  case  of  a  crackpot  bestowing  largesse  upon  an  unworthy
        recipient—another  curious  reversal.  Nevertheless,  I  was  in  no
        position to turn down a profitable engagement just because it made
        no sense; half the work-force could see they were employed under
        such  conditions,  if  they  cared  to  look  closely  at  what  they  were
        actually  doing.  I  thanked  him  for  the  opportunity,  accepted  his
        conceit, and soon found myself drawing upon inner resources I only
        dimly knew I possessed. How did he so definitely know I was up for
        the job? I could not intentionally find out, as part of the deal was for
        me never to contact him again; he did not want his sponsorship of
        my  slightly  shady  enterprise  to  become  known  to  the  board  of
        directors of the Hog Wild Corporation.  I received my assignments
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