Page 105 - Psychoceramics and the Test of Fire
P. 105

Secrets of the Endosphere

        convinced  of  their  own  infallibility,  think  to  look  behind  the  first
        hidden thing they can expose. So here I was, talking with a human
        tangle  of  suspiciousness  and  twisted  logic  masquerading  as  a
        reasonable investigator of natural phenomena. If I either agreed or
        disagreed with him I would be in trouble; thus I needed a persona
        without  a  stake  in  the  outcome  of  those  investigations.  That,  I
        decided,  would  be  a  producer  of  slightly  sensationalistic  TV
        documentaries for a nature channel: I’d get what I wanted simply by
        enabling  his  quest.  I  neither  knew  nor  cared  about  the  chances  of
        extraterrestrial intelligence  being manifest in some  unacknowledged
        evidence of alien presence anywhere in or on this planet. I was just an
        exploiter, playing in a different league, blasé about the grandeur of his
        theories and plans to prove them. I looked older than my true age,
        thanks to acting and artifice.  My  outfit was expensive and in  poor
        taste,  running  toward  a  clash  of  colors  and  adornment.  I  had  a
        business card; he disdained it, to my relief: it bore an embossed logo
        closely  resembling  that  of  a  real  network.  I  pretended  that  I
        personally had no great stake in him or his plan, a difficult pose to
        sustain if he put up a lengthy resistance.
          So  it  came  down,  finally,  to  the  pitch:  would  he  give  my
        production company exclusive rights to film his drilling operation, or
        whatever  it  was?  I  was  sitting  on  an  upturned  crate  next  to  the
        counter  of  his  shop,  interrupted  by  contractors  and  homeowners
        looking  for  a  cheap  means  of  digging  up  a  broken  sewer  pipe  or
        pushing rubble from one side of a yard to the other. They did not
        need a place to sit, but I felt it befitted my status not to lean on the
        scarred plank and buttonhole my prospect like a traveling salesman.
          Thus  the  absurd  question.  Cade,  a  beefy  but  bespectacled
        belligerence  stuffed  into  a  flannel  shirt,  his  suspenders  straining
        against  a  pair  of  greasy  jeans  cinching  a  beer  belly,  waited  for  my
        answer,  a  smirking  sneer  upon  his  unshaven  upper  lip.  His
        circumstances  fairly  screamed  that  he  needed  money  from  any
        source, unexpected or not, simply to stay afloat.
          I  merely  raised  my  eyebrows.  “That’s  way  we  do  business,  Mr.
        Cade. The key point is exclusivity. We can’t risk any of our capital
        unless we have you tied up legally. If you let any other journalist or
        documentary-maker in on your activities we’ll have you in court so
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