Page 139 - Psychoceramics and the Test of Fire
P. 139

The Quantum Reticulator

          “Yes, I certainly do,” I replied firmly and calmly. “All we want is
        an  acknowledgement  after  the  demonstration  that  you  were
        supported  by  a  grant  from  the  Psychometrics  Research
        Foundation—and two-thirds of the prize money in order to recoup
        our investment, as it were, and enable us to sponsor others in future.
        For  that  we  will  need  a  legal  document,  but  it  will  be  kept
        confidential;  our  association  with  you  need  not  be  made  public  in
        advance. We will leave it to you to contact the Randolph people: as I
        said, a bit of reflection and research will convince you of their bona
        fides and the value of obtaining their imprimatur.”
          He stood up. Decision time. I looked up at him.
          “Then  I’ll  do  it.”  He  cackled.  “I  have  nowhere  to  go  but
        everywhere else.”
          That made little sense at the time, so I let it pass. I got up and
        shook his hand. It was cold but the grip was strong.
          “I’ll bring the agreement to you here tomorrow at ten o’clock in
        the morning. That will give you time to go to the bank and set up an
        account for the cash transfer.”
          I  left,  thinking  how  circumstance  had  thrown  the  outcome  my
        way. Well, why not? I’d done my homework, and soon would reap
        the rewards (a fat check from a Magnus front organization). In the
        coming weeks, as I struggled to curb my poor spending habits, that
        harvest shrank to a pile suitable for a very small granary. And again I
        pondered the wisdom or cleverness of Al Magnus in choosing me to
        carry  out  his  giveaway  program:  did  he  accurately  gauge  my
        spendthrift ways, counting on profligacy to keep me engaged for the
        duration? Or were there other qualities in my makeup, revealed in his
        crackpot system of personality analysis, which convinced him I would
        stay the course and not give up in terror or disgust? All I could seize
        upon  with  certainty  was  that  I  had  little  in  common  with  my
        unwitting targets: maybe he saw that, too, depending thereby upon
        the unlikelihood of my identifying with any of them sufficiently to
        blow the cover off the whole operation.
          My own money in hand, I did enjoy myself for a while; I guess I’m
        a  grasshopper,  not  an  ant.  But  before  my  balance  went  to  zero  I
        learned  the  fate  of  Simeon  Gibbons.  Magnus’s  researchers  either
        hadn’t  been  instructed  to  stop  sending  me  material  about  a  past
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