Page 63 - Psychoceramics and the Test of Fire
P. 63
saying a sane man shouldn’t do all he can to slow down the
degradation of our soil, air and bodies of water, but let me tell you—I
don’t know if you read the Bible—” I made a sound blending rising
and falling inflections in equal measure. “—but God didn’t tell Noah
to build storm drains or catchments: God told him and his family to
build a boat with their own hands and ride out the storm. That’s not
a claim that I’m getting divine inspiration for Nodal Village and its
expansion; as far as I know I thought it up all by myself, but who
knows? Anyway, only an ostrich with its head in the sand believes
that things can go on the same way for much longer. Am I right?”
“Yes, sir,” said I, enthusiastically, synchronizing my pose in repose
with his. “Big changes are coming. And back there in Vegas they say
that fortune favors the prepared mind.”
“Exactly!” I felt as if I had gone to the head of the class. “And I
have figured out how to get the human race prepared for the tough
times coming. The key is cheap, clean energy: solar, to be precise.
The sun is daily showering us with all the wealth we’ll ever need.
Existing technology could capture it, but pre-existing social
organization discourages exploiting it. Why? Powerful vested
interests, tremendous psychological inertia and resistance to change.
People just won’t go out on a limb even to grab a lifeline. They need
help. Now, today a network of communications is growing leaps and
bounds through microchips and wireless connectivity. I’ll bet you’ve
got a cell phone and a computer, at least—correct?”
I nodded, stupefied by his perspicacity.
“And if you’re on to something good, and can get it for yourself,
won’t you want to pass it on to friends and family? Of course, you
would: that’s normal behavior, and you can count on it. But you’re
not likely to try something new without an incentive. And research
has proven that there is one sure-fire way to get folks interested in
what you have to offer: give it to them free!”
I decided I could steer him toward the finish line with a bit of
“You mean you’re going to give away electricity to anyone who
wants it?”
Peña smiled indulgently. “I will merely start the ball rolling, and it
won’t stop until everyone gives it away to everyone else. I know that