Page 79 - Psychoceramics and the Test of Fire
P. 79

Ark Two

          The  official  verdict:  Ark  Two’s  destruction  was  caused  not  by
        sabotage  or  mechanical  failure  but  by  accident,  the  sort  of
        misadventure attributed by insurance companies to an “act of God.”
        But in this case I wondered about the gender and name of that deity:
        was  it  Gaia,  reacting  to  accumulated  anthropogenic  atmospheric
        interference  by  making  unexpected  and  violent  adjustments  to
        ambient  temperature,  pressure  and  humidity?  That  would  have
        confirmed  Vosky’s  warnings  about  the  impending  ecological
        upheaval;  a  more  alert  public  might  have  considered  his  mishap  a
        wake-up call and pushed their governments to take stronger action.
        Or  was  it  evidence  for  his  crackpot  theory,  the  planetary  biocide
        personified  by  Atropos?  If  it  were  the  Cosmic  Snipper,  then  any
        sentient  organism’s  plan  to  overcome  that  fate  by  standing  aside
        while the rest of his miscreant species fouled its nest irretrievably was
        doomed to fail; for us to expect any other outcome would be hubris.
        After all, Atropos means “cannot be averted.”

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