Page 80 - Psychoceramics and the Test of Fire
P. 80

Hitler’s Ghost

          I found Roy Ludwig on a bench in Green Pocket Corner Park. He
        wouldn’t meet me elsewhere: yet another paranoid crackpot. It would
        be  superfluous  to  describe  such  types  as  megalomaniacal;  in  their
        internally  coherent  rationalizations  they  had  to  be  extremely
        important  to  warrant  the  imagined  threats  coming  in  from  all
        directions.  Thieves,  of  course,  plotting  to  steal  their  ideas,  and
        assassins  (whose  existence,  could  it  only  be  demonstrated  to
        outsiders,  would  confirm  those  bizarre  theories)  constituted  the
        primary  dangers.  Beyond  that  omnipresent  menace  were  mid-level
        threats  posed  by  lesser  mortals,  those  whose  idle  curiosity  or
        similarity of outlook made them jealous, spiteful or proselytizers for
        their own mission—irritating swarms of insects rather than  top-of-
        the-food-chain predators. My goal was to present myself to men like
        Ludwig as none of the above. Instead I sought to convince them that
        my  intentions  were  benign,  and  then  make  an  offer  of  financial
        support far beyond their fondest hopes and wildest dreams. But years
        of rejection and ridicule had taught these people to damp down their
        expectations of others; ironically, that pessimism often was balanced
        effectively by unshakeable belief in themselves.
          Al  Magnus  had  chosen  me,  from  a  field  of  applicants  for  an
        unknown job, to give a dozen psychoceramics their big break—and
        keep him out of the picture. Apart from any bad publicity my efforts
        might give him, effectively stopping his plan before it completed and
        adversely affecting his business interests, the task did involve some
        personal risk for me. I’d already experienced a bit of it in pursuit of
        the handsome  and ever-increasing rewards dangled in  front of me,
        and  knew  that  my  chameleonic  ability  to  create  and  then  erase  an
        identity tailored to each of my “clients” was only part of why I had
        been hired. So I had to run hot and cold: exude enthusiasm about a
        stranger’s over-the-top scheme to the point of gaining his acceptance
        of a fictitious source’s funding, then vanish as quickly as an old con
        artist’s  fake  gambling  den  once  the  mark  had  placed  his  final,
        extravagant bet. Roy Ludwig, per the dossier I had been given by the
        anonymous researchers Al Magnus also employed, would be as tough

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