Page 85 - Psychoceramics and the Test of Fire
P. 85

Hitler’s Ghost

          “Call me Bob. Well, I must admit the subject is fascinating. Go
          Roy Ludwig warmed to his topic; I suppose he had to heat up a
        few degrees to generate the blast of hot air to which I was about to
        be exposed.
          “Okay, let’s say you are a lay person reading my opus. Let’s give it
        a working title;  say,  History’s an  Open  Book,  by yours truly.  After  a
        couple  of  autobiographical  sections  into  which  I’d  work  the
        development of advanced mathematical tools for very large data sets,
        I’d show how the current torrent of digitization provides a challenge
        and an opportunity for access and analysis. Search technology has led
        the way through the development of sieving formulae. I have taken
        this  further,  treating  the  chaotic  flow  of  trillions  of  subdivisible
        linguistic units in the same way that lasers process incoherent light
        into a single beam of controllable wavelength. I CURSE them—that
        stands  for  ‘Cascading  Units  Repeating  Sequential  Entities.’  Fluid
        dynamics describes this process: you see, the virtual array of parallel
        processors necessary to move that many bits through a pipe of ever-
        decreasing  diameter  forces  you  to  translate  them  into  units
        resembling the flow of a compressible liquid. That can be done by
        reductive iterations of duplicate elimination through logic gates. This
        resembles a river going over a precipice, the water picking up speed
        as it breaks up on projecting rocks and funnels into an ever-narrower
        stream by the time it hits bottom. CURSE can process thousands of
        five-hundred-page books per second into sets of purely arithmetical
        values. That’s just the first step.”
          A squirrel had joined us, sniffing at the asphalt next to Ludwig’s
        feet.  I  felt  a  twinge  of  sympathy  for  the  rodent:  not  much
        nourishment down there, either. The mastermind scattered gems, not
          “I’m not the first to use cybernetic firepower to perform content
        analysis. But those researchers knew what they were looking for; as a
        result,  they  examined  a  small  set  of  texts  for  internal  or  external
        connections.  The  same  thing  is  done  with  paintings  and,  for  all  I
        know,  musical  compositions  or  recorded  performances.  My
        innovation  in  CURSE  is  to  open  that  set  completely:  it  has  no
        inherent limit in the number of texts to be input and CURSEd. Only
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