Page 8 - Psychoceramics and the Test of Fire
P. 8


        group  of  investors.  Further,  you  are  a  quick  study,  know  how  to
        dress,  have  a  university  education  and  have  dealt  with  complex
        technical issues. In short, Mr. Baker, you can walk the walk and talk
        the talk better than anyone else who applied; as to how many there
        were, let us simply agree that this metropolis abounds in job-seekers
        of roughly the same characteristics and eagerness to respond to help-
        wanted notices.”
          That  topic  seemed  closed:  who  would  argue  with  the  assurance
        that he was a very special person, even though it was determined by a
        computer  coughing  up  a  scatter  diagram?  But  something  else
        bothered  me:  the  no-free-lunch,  too-good-to-be-true  aspect  of  the
          “All  right,  sir,  I  can  take  that  as  given.  But  why  the  exalted
        salary?—contract terms, excuse me! I cannot help wondering if this
        job entails some personal risk or other downside not mentioned.”
          Magnus smiled. “Ah, I see. No, I am not the devil seeking your
        soul in exchange for fleeting fame or riches. I admit there might be
        more danger than is faced by a counter-girl handing out free samples
        of ice cream. But you will have something your clients badly want,
        and  if  you  are  able  to  convince  them  of  your  bona  fides  and
        respectful  interest  in  their  ideas  then  they  should  be  eating  out  of
        your hand—not biting it. All they need is an opportunity. Once you
        have given them the means to pursue their goal, you will disappear.
        Your  temporary  identity  will  vanish,  the  organization  contracting
        your services will pay you and dissolve immediately, and you will have
        no liability for whatever happens next. No chance to profit from or
        be blamed for those sequelae: just pack it in, relax for a while and
        move on to the next assignment. One final condition: you may not
        communicate,  by  spoken  or  written  word,  anything  about  our
        arrangement or your activities, until I have deceased. Now tell me, sir:
        are you game?”
          I took a deep breath. Did he also know that I had a tendency to
        take chances, a trait as often as not landing me in trouble?
          “On  the  condition,  as  stated,  that  I  might  terminate  our
        association at any time after the first contract, I accept.”
          Al  Magnus  beamed  with  pleasure. We  shook  hands  and  clinked
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