Page 27 - The Myth and the Moment
P. 27


        head  for some Third World tropical  paradise,  there  to  live  out my
        days in  relative ease  until I and/or  the  world  terminate?  Definitely
        out of character. I’d write me out of my own play if I did that. That’s
        the  beauty  of  not  swimming  upstream  with  the  rest  of  the  fish:  I
        don’t need the current against me to know I’m alive. I don’t need to
        be stepping on other people to find my path. And it’s a good thing:
        they might step back, and do me some damage.
          On  your  right,  ladies  and  gentlemen,  Los  Angeles  High  School.
        Really? Are you sure, driver? It looks awfully like a prison or some
        kind of fortress. Well, it used to look like a school, but form had to
        follow  function,  you  know;  especially  on  the  funds  allotted  to
        education  in  this  country;  so  here  it  is:  a  fire-proof,  escape-proof,
        learning-proof institution. It’s like a television set that’s been gutted:
        the box can still be watched, but nothing’s going on. And the great
        men,  giants  of  capitalism,  captains  of  industry,  where  are  they?
        Philanthropy  ended  three  generations  ago.  Economy  needs  cheap
        labor  now,  since  not  enough  jobs:  the  ‘Iron  Law  of  Wages.’  No
        vision. Infrastructure? Building for the future? Maybe they know The
        End  is  coming.  Modern  equivalent  of  an  orgy:  robber-barons’  last
        round-up. Grab all you can, the final accounting is nigh.
          Was I more amazed or disgusted when I figured out the military-
        industrial  complex  was  really  a  psychological  disorder?  How  could
        they not figure out that all the money they make from selling arms to
        the  government  will  be  blasted  into  neutrinos  along  with  their  art
        collections,  their  summer  homes,  their  Mercedes-Benzes,  and,  of
        course, their own hides? No more cannon fodder when the missiles
        are  pointed  at  your  own  mansion.  So  there  went  the  hope  of  the
        coat-tails: if the rich and powerful don’t want to die, then the rest of
        us  can  camp  outside  the  castle  walls  and  be  protected  in  time  of
        attack.  It  all  seems  so  simple:  build  a  bomb,  sell  a  bomb;  build  a
        bomb,  sell  a  bomb.  I  wonder  if  the  oligarchs  are  living  the
        fundamentalist dream: push for The End, Armageddon will establish
        the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. But no. They’re a cynical bunch.
        The  only  dream  they  live  is  power,  driven  by  profit  and  crass
        ideology. Grump, grump, grump. I ought to get up on a soap-box
        like those orators at the park.
          Boy, I’m parched. How am I going to make it out in Death Valley?
        Oh, very nicely, in a rented room with a refrigerator full of bottled

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