Page 81 - The Myth and the Moment
P. 81


        proceedings.  Oh,  maybe  not;  I’ve  got  it  down  pat,  don’t  I?  Better
        start jotting it down soon, before it really does start to fade. I’d have
        to work for Al Hodges another six months to afford my original plan;
        and even that would mean heading for the desert in late spring or
        early summer. Makes L.A. heat look pretty mild. And time may run
        out on the Big Fuse. The momentum I built up doing this thing kept
        me from pessimism; who can believe his brain-child will not see the
        light of day when it’s almost come to term? I’ll be a nervous wreck,
        have to avoid newspapers, not even listen to the radio: the slightest
        sabre-rattle would set me twitching like a seismograph on the slopes
        of  an  active  volcano.  So,  Mistah  Hamilton  Jefferson,  I  thank  you
        most kindly for your advice—but to hell with it! But what if Kolpak
        and his Dragon Lady really were about to do me in with a TV dinner
        laced  with  arsenic? Okay,  keep  away from  those  turkeys,  deal  with
        them by remote control from Aestheria’s apartment. Yeah.
          God,  anger  is  toxic!  Drug,  poison,  hormone:  all  the  same,  in
        various doses. This much activity in a day would have knocked me
        out, ordinarily. Adrenalin keeps me going, but the piper will be paid;
        emotional hangover, complete with headache and remorse. But, but,
        but. But Ham may be right; Confucius said the superior man knows
        when not to act. Too bad he has to find out by tossing yarrow stalks
        in the dust. If I don’t press on, let it go, let that bastard triumph, then
        what? Reconstruction time. What  if  I can’t  precisely  remember  the
        text?  Hypnosis?  Yeah.  Just  pay  some  store-front  swami  to  put  me
        under  and  get  the  whole  thing  recited  word-for-word  into  a  tape
        recorder.  Nah,  I’m  a  lousy  subject  for  hypnosis,  can’t  take
        suggestions. Or advice. Wouldn’t have gotten this far if I could. Nate
        the loner.  Nate the prophet of doom ejected from a cinema showing
        films of disaster. I could scream at the world for its paranoid idiocy; I
        could spit on the whole tribe of anthropoid somnambulists; I could
        say, ‘To hell with you all: you don’t deserve a legacy! Crumble into
        dust with the rest of the failed civilizations! The less that’s known of
        you the better! I’m going to drown my sorrow more effectively! If
        you want me I’ll be down at the tavern with Omar Khayyam.’
          Yes,  and  I  could  justify  not  continuing  by  pointing  to  the
        consistent distortion of historic texts by degenerate heirs. Oh, haven’t
        I already beaten this to death? The Myth could never be victim of such
        a  disgusting  fate.  It  will  indeed  become  an  ancient  codex,  but  it’s

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