Page 87 - The Myth and the Moment
P. 87


        sound  crazy?  You  don’t  know  what’s  at  stake  here,  and  I  can’t
        possibly make you understand. All I can do is leave it up to you: if
        you think I’m bluffing, tell me to get out of here and I’ll go; if not,
        then decide if your friendship with Phil is worth calling him again and
        pleading my case.”
          Whoof. Did I say that right? She’s staring at me. Or through me.
        Is  she  psychic?  Trying  to  draw  something  out  of  me  or  push
        something  in?  Should  I  flinch,  give  an  inch?  Make  my  mind  a
        blank—or  an  open  book?  Facial  feature  reconfiguration,  perhaps:
        scowl, squint, flare the nostrils, purse the lips, square the jaw. How
        the hell do you  square your  jaw?  A double chin won’t  do  the  job,
        unless the chin  is the jaw’s  logarithm.  Now I’ve  got  a silly grin to
        wipe off my face. This is voodoo one-up-manship. Don’t let her put
        you on the defensive all the time, damn it!
          “What is this, Aestheria: the metaphysical third-degree?”
          “Hardly metaphysical, Nate. I am taking you as seriously as I am
        able.  I  can’t  possibly  make  you  understand,  but  there  are  certain
        channels of communication that  open when the conscious  mind  is
        circumvented. I  discount  the  uneasiness  my  silence  evoked  in  you.
        Beyond that, your determination, if I may call it that, was evident. I
        cannot  doubt  that  whatever  is  disturbing  you  has  the  power  to
        motivate equally disturbing actions on your part.”
          “Well, I guess that should be a relief to me. But somehow it’s not.
        Tell me: what is this business you’re in, this ‘Ergon Institute?’”
          “It is indeed a business. At least my accountant tells me so. I’ve
        been self-employed for about six years. You look skeptical, the old
        Manic Mocker again. You wonder: is she a con artist? The answer is
        no. I’m a pro artist, in the sense of being creatively for something.
        And that something is using all the skills I have to help people find
        their  own  hidden  resources  and  develop  them.  For  providing  this
        service,  I  am  fairly  well-rewarded.  Some  of  my  clients  are  writers
        referred  to  me  by  Phil;  he  can  sense  when  one  of  his  people  is
        burning out, his or her mental blocks reducing output.”
          “But  what  if  they  really  need  competent  medical  attention,  or
        simply the common-sense advice to change professions? Aren’t you
        just helping Phil to be a more efficient slave-master?”
          She’s laughing. Not like tiny silver bells: like big iron gongs.

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