Page 147 - Labelle Gramercy, Detective
P. 147


        the team. Even Larry had given in to the general funk. Then Toro
        came in, and once again the tension level mounted. He sat down and
        folded his arms, a slightly quizzical look on his craggy features.
            Ray couldn’t stand it. “Out with it, man! Don’t just sit there like a
        statue. What happened in there?”
            Toro smiled. “They found my fingerprints, too.”
            Waldo knew getting information out of him would be like pulling
        teeth. “Where? On the BugOff?”
            “Right. I found it in there after a few weeks. Didn’t know who put
        it there, didn’t want to ask. So I left it alone.”
            “My God! You could have saved Laurel’s life, if you had known
        what would happen, but it would have meant terminating the trials.”
        Ray was working out the implications, or trying to.
            “Well, at least the police know Toro didn’t bring in the stuff in the
        first place,” said Blanche. “And as for the fingerprints, that doesn’t
        make him any guiltier than Waldo.”
            “Thanks  a  lot!”  Waldo  pounded  the  table.  “At  least  I  wasn’t
        personally involved with Laurel.”
            Toro regarded him coldly. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
            Larry  shook  himself  out  of  whatever  introspection  had  been
        gripping him. “Here we go again. Please, people. These accusations
        and  innuendoes  are  very  counterproductive.”  He  looked  at  me.  “I
        don’t  know  if  you  were  aware  of  it,  Kelly,  but  Toro  and  Laurel
        became very close during the past year.”
            “Of  course  she  knows,”  chimed  in  Blanche.  “You  men  are  so
        oblivious. Laurel was making a play for him even before we all locked
        ourselves into that hemispheric hothouse. I only signed on a couple
        of weeks before we went in there, but I could see what was going
            Dr. Kapil was annoyed. “No, no, that’s not my point. The police
        should realize that Toro wouldn’t want to harm a woman he was that
        involved with.”
            “I can’t believe you’re that naive,” said Ray, scowling ferociously.
        “What percentage of murders do you think are the result of romances
        gone sour?”
            Larry pouted. Waldo wouldn’t let up on Toro, however. “You just
        sit  there  listening  to  our  dirty  little  secrets  become  exposed  and
        kicked  around  as  legitimate  topics  for  discussion  by  people  we

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