Page 151 - Labelle Gramercy, Detective
P. 151


        untangle. He did have the means, under this  theory, as well as the
        opportunity.  Motive?  Murky,  at  best.  And  he  did  not  know  about
            “That she and Toro were, uh, lovers?”
            “No. That she was under pressure from Semotech to sabotage the
        project. If he had been aware of that, things might have turned out
        differently.  But  he  never  found  out,  despite  the  availability  of  that
        information. I had to ask myself why.”
            She blew on the coffee again and took a couple of sips. Mine was
        still steaming, so I waited.
            “I finally arrived at the only explanation to fit the facts. You knew
        about  Blanche,  didn’t  you?  Don’t  bother  to  answer;  I’ve  already
        talked to Ella Stissidy at Semotech, and she confirmed your inquiry
        more than a year ago. So you should have blown the whistle, never
        allowed Blanche Mandel to participate. But you didn’t, because you
        needed an out, in case Toro proved more loyal than you feared.”
            “What—what are you saying?” I stammered.
            Lt. Gramercy took a hearty swig of coffee and looked me straight
        in the eye. “You had it set up so that you could abort the mission at
        any time, simply by pretending to discover Blanche’s connection to
        Semotech.  Otherwise,  if  Toro  continued  to  pursue  Dr.  Reath,  you
        would  simply  remain  silent  and  let  the  poison  do  its  work  at  the
        farewell party. You knew no one else would partake of the Ovaltine,
        and  its  taste  effectively  masked  the  BugOff.  Toro’s  affair  with  the
        victim would come out, he would probably have handled the poison
        container, and he would be blamed. You could savor your revenge
        for a whole year before it was taken, Miss Day, and then enjoy your
        ex-lover’s difficulties facing a murder charge. Poison has often been
        called a woman’s weapon; in this case it definitely was. What have
        you to say?”
            I  laughed,  a  bit  hysterically,  I  suppose.  “Just  this,  Miss  brilliant
        know-it-all detective! You’re not going to be conscious in a few more
        seconds. BugOff isn’t the only poison at my disposal. How you could
        be so stupid as to accept a drink from me after solving your precious
        crime is just amazing. The next face you see will be an emergency
        room doctor’s—if you ever see anything again. I’ve got an air ticket
        to Costa  Rica at home, and a Swiss bank  account full  of money I

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