Page 76 - New Year's cards
P. 76


           1. At the base

           Down here is a bunch
           Of folks with the hunch
           They’ll get a free lunch—
           What was in their punch?

           2. Next level

           The middle is filled
           With shills so well-drilled,
           They know they’ve been shilled
           But stay in the guild.

           3. Next higher level

           In higher reaches
           Reside the leeches
           Who write the speeches
           Their gospel preaches.

           4. Highest level

           This bubble-pipe dream
           Is skimmed of its cream
           By heads of the team
           Who plan their next scheme.

           5. Apex

           New from Jon and Dale,
           Twenty-nineteen’s grail:
           This pyramid scale—
           No way you can fail!
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