Page 113 - An Evening with Maxwell's Daemons
P. 113

“It’s a no-brainer.”

          “I get the sense of the meeting,” said Izzy Azimuth, “that all of
        us  are  beginning  to  wear  out  each  other’s  welcome.  Does  that
        usually happen after a couple of rounds?”
          Nods and assenting grunts confirmed his supposition.
          “Then I shall not expatiate excessively. Apart from winners and
        losers in the variety of impending apocalypses, the looming specter
        of artificial intelligence is as gripping as any other topic. And it is
        gripping in the same literal way, as well: once an all-powerful man-
        made horror is unleashed, we will have no way out of paying for
        our foolishness, pride, ignorance or whatever mortal sin one cares
        to blame for our downfall and destruction. The advent of smarter
        brains than ours has that capability, that finality of doom, the ‘uh-
        oh’  moment.  No  going  back,  at  least  in  part  because  we  have
        become  dependent  on  cybernetic  devices  over  the  past  three
        generations, their convenience and capabilities easily worming their
        way  into  our  lives  to  the  point  of  becoming  necessities.  We
        effectively  are  all  cyborgs  now,  unable  to  function  without  our
        electromechanical  enhancements.  This  much  is  a  given;  my  story
        will take it for granted—the fact and the fear.”
          “But, of course, rebellion against tyranny is in our nature; thus
        the all-too common scenario of guerilla warfare against robots and
        the  surveillance  state.  So,  let  us  imagine  a  near-future  in  which
        people have become so accustomed to dealing with the purveyors
        of  commodities,  entertainment  and  information  remotely,  via
        virtual reality, that we have unwittingly crossed the ‘uncanny valley’
        of weird and disturbing confrontations with artifice, and don’t easily
        or  immediately  know  or care  with  whom  or  what  we  are  dealing
        during  a  normal  day’s  activities.  Today’s  chatbots  and  expert
        systems will seem crude, if not laughable to people in that future,
        just as coin-operated dial telephones appear to us today. Most of
        the population, as always, doesn’t mind the new reality and loss of
        autonomy—if it is even aware of it.”

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