Page 108 - The Perpetrations of Captain Kaga
P. 108

Fasting the Plastiphage

               ...and  so  the  Hierotechs  are  still  slightly  interested  in
               trade with the PKU, but we have nothing to offer that
               they need, and they continue to be suspicious of us as a
               possible  threat  to  their  authority.  I  am  only  the  fifth
               officer to be stationed here, and my predecessors made
               almost no progress in negotiating with the High Priest.
               I have tried a different approach: I befriended a young
               monk, Stimgage, who is assigned to deal with my living
               arrangements. Like the older Hierotechs, he was at first
               quite  reticent;  over  a  period  of  months,  however,  he
               slowly opened up and I learned something which may
               be of value to our mission.

               The  mystery  of  the  Great  Temple  is  how  the
               Hierotechs have continued to produce plastikons long
               after their oil reserves were depleted. It was assumed by
               the exploratory mission that petroleum was stockpiled
               somewhere deep within the temple. I am certain now
               that this is not the case. I also think we can fill in a bit
               of the missing history of Burdleim between the time of
               the crash-landing and the present.

               It  must  not  have  been  more  than  three  generations
               before a sort of Dark Ages descended upon this planet.
               All  technical  knowledge  beyond  the  operation  and
               maintenance  of  the  injection  molding  machinery  was
               lost  or  suppressed.  The  personnel  in  charge  of  the
               equipment became an entrenched oligarchy thriving on
               secrecy and mysticism. The temple was probably built
               to  conceal  mundane  mechanical  sights  and  sounds
               from  an  increasingly  ignorant  populace.  These  mainly
               rural  folk  developed  a  tradition  of  idolatry,  focusing
               their gratitude  for good  harvests upon the  plastikons,
               symbols  of  Burdleim’s  beneficence.  Since  the
               Hierotechs controlled  the production  and distribution
               of these sacred objects, their power was assured.”

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