Page 149 - The Perpetrations of Captain Kaga
P. 149

Breaking the Grapefruit Connection
         Paradox  immediately  righted  himself  and  surveyed  the  damage.
       Then he extended his utility hose and vacuumed up the broken glass,
       a  task  any  well-programmed  menial  would  recognize  as  a  priority.
       Nevertheless, the incident must have probed the innermost loops of
       his hostility logic, for he stopped working long enough to turn and
       address the speechless assembly.
         “This club has rules, my dear sirs,” he intoned in a cultured voice,
       “which  provide  for  the  blackballing  of  members  whose  friends
       attempt to enter these precincts uninvited.”
         The  only  member  to  whom  this  remark  could  have  applied  was
       already  on  his  feet  and  approaching  the  scene  of  the  unusual
       manifestation.  The  other  members  harrumphed,  buzzed,  glottally
       stopped  and  returned  to  their  various  inactivities.  Captain  Kaga
       poked gingerly at the sack; it bore but the slightest resemblance to his
       friend, Lieutenant Lugo, whom it had seemingly replaced in the space
       of no time at all.  The words ‘Freight Group’ were stenciled upon the
       rough burlap.
         “Paradox,” said Kaga, “would you please contact this company, the
       Freight Group, and inquire whether one of their sacks is missing.”
         “Certainly, sir…I’m sorry, sir.  There  is  no  listing  for  that  name
       anywhere on Radnelac III.”
         “Ooops!’’  Kaga quickly stepped back a few paces, as if he had been
       burned.  “Why don’t you open that sack for me, Paradox. I’m afraid I
       left my Boy Scout knife in my other jumpsuit.”
         “Certainly, sir.” As Kaga involuntarily raised his hand in front of
       his eyes, the robot neatly slit the sack open on one side, and several
       dull yellow spheres rolled out.
         “Grapefruit!”  exclaimed  Captain  Kaga.  “Lugo  and  grapefruit.
       Grapefruit and Lugo.  Paradox!  Save this somewhere for me, will you?
       I’ve got to find out what’s happened to Lieutenant Lugo.”
         He ran out of the room, barely hearing Paradox say, “Articles left
       in the club by members must be claimed in thirty sidereal days or…”
         Outside the club’s doors, Kaga decided to splurge on the fare for a
       pneumotube  ride  back  to  his  quarters  in  the  Retired  Officers
       Compound. Five minutes later he was inside his own study, hooking
       up his illicit ComSet scrambler. After donning  his pink-and-green Old
       Spacetimers Convention hat and a false mustache, he placed a call to
       the Ramalamadindon Monastery.

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