Page 163 - The Perpetrations of Captain Kaga
P. 163

Investigating the Mystery of the Talking Plant
         “Greetings, Captain Kaga,” the recording began. “You are invited to
       the opening of the twenty-seventh PKU Galactic Trade Exhibition, to
       be held on day seven/twelve at 1900 GST at the Center in Pontenga
       City. RSVP.”
         The image faded into more PKU pomp. A few seconds passed, then
       the image reappeared.
         “Captain, hello there!”  Lugo waved at him from the screen. “Let me
       encourage you unofficially to come out here.  It’s a good chance to get
       away from that Philosophers Club for a while, and I’d love to show
       you around the Center. Did you know I had gotten a post-retirement
       assignment  here?  I’m  the  assistant  to  Commander  Quex,  who’s  in
       charge of liaison with GHQ. This is the first time I’ve had a job like
       this,  and  it’s  quite  interesting.  Anyway,  I  had  the  duty  of  inviting
       someone of your rank to an opening, so I got Quex’s permission to
       put your name on the list. I hope you can make it! So long.”
         The  message  ended,  and  Kaga  removed  the  CardRec.  He  had
       RSVP’d, then gone about the task of finding transport to Pontenga, a
       terraformed planet near the hub of galaxy P9J-248. His only possibility
       was  the  training  flight;  he  attached  himself  to  its  crew  as  a  senior
       adviser, a common procedure by which old PKU officers hitched rides
       to  unscheduled  destinations.  By  happy  coincidence,  the  cadets  were
       due to land in Pontenga City the day of the opening, and return to
       Radnelac III after two days’ leave.
         The call to return to the acceleration couches had not yet sounded,
       so Captain Kaga floated about his cabin looking for something to do.
       He finally activated the library scanner, but he found little of interest
       in  the  largely  technical  collection  on-board.  As  he  quickly  skimmed
       over the titles and cross references flashing past on the screen, his eye
       caught a listing for an illustration of the Trade Exhibition Center on
       Pontenga, and he called it forth to be displayed.
         The PKU had commissioned a design by a Pontengan architect; the
       result was a typical series of five-sided adjoining structures. The central
       area contained a large entry hall with galleries on three sides. Doors on
       the outer walls of each of the latter gave access to three other areas:
       the  PKU  command  post,  special  alien  accommodations,  and
       workshops, storage rooms and office s for the exhibition staff.  The
       entire  complex  was  surrounded  by  gardens  containing  exotic  flora:

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