Page 35 - The Perpetrations of Captain Kaga
P. 35
Resolving the Mechanalog Ambiguity
lubricants and adhesives, compounds which they could use
but cannot produce in the sterile atmosphere of Mazinoza.
The resolution of this issue will be left to the first PKU
The report continued on in more technical terms. When it finished,
Captain Kaga looked again at the unconscious form of Colonel Krif.
The Hurgan had been PKU representative on many planets prior to
this assignment; Kaga wondered how he would resolve the dilemma.
It would be interesting to watch an experienced officer in action.
Kaga realized he knew nothing about Krif’s background, so he spent
the rest of the voyage researching Hurga and the biography of his
commanding officer.
The exploratory mission had determined the most practical spot to
set up the base; there the Ptolemy landed. The terrain was flat and
hard, so they would not have to construct a landing pad. Krif awoke
in time to oversee the unloading of the prefabricated structure that
would constitute the PKU mission on Mazinoza. It included an office
and living quarters plus storage areas for food and equipment. In this
case, special atmospheric controls were required, so air locks and
oxygen recycling pumps were also fitted into the unit. Deepspace
communications gear and emergency provisions were standard
elements in a PKU post; Kaga went through a checklist to ascertain
the presence of every item. Both he and Krif had to wear breathing
apparatus outside; the Hurgan’s home atmosphere was slightly richer
in nitrogen than Kaga’s, but they could coexist inside the base on the
same mixture.
Once everything was in order, Colonel Krif signaled the Ptolemy to
launch, programmed to return to the nearest PKU galactic sector
spaceship pool. The Hurgan had not been very talkative during the
set-up procedure; Kaga supposed he was used to working alone and
had taken a junior officer along only because it was required.
Nevertheless, Kaga was bursting with unanswered questions.
“What do you think about the Mechanalogs, sir?” he asked, as he
and Krif were putting their desks in order. “Are they intelligent life or