Page 76 - The Perpetrations of Captain Kaga
P. 76
Claiming the Vegimal Property
“The word he used does not come out of this box.”
Captain Kaga’s curiosity got the better of him. “First tell me,” he
said, “who you are and how you came to be in this position—I mean,
serving the PKU in this building.”
The creature laid one of its free limbs on the desk and played with
a stereocube lying there. “I am Iminux, formerly chief of the Deglog
tribe. I was expelled by a younger member who didn’t want the group
to put down roots. We fought and I was deracinated. While I was
wandering through this area looking for a new band to clump with,
the first of you aliens fell upon Miglig. I am old, and I accepted the
offer to stay here for a while. The soil is good, but I am safe from
attack. When my strength is back, I will continue my search.”