Page 79 - The Perpetrations of Captain Kaga
P. 79
Claiming the Vegimal Property
Iminux considered, scratching his backside with a free limb. “I can
tell you this: such a band will not take kindly to any interference in its
“Hmm. Then I’d better take along some kind of weapon. Did
Lieutenant Lugo have one when he left?”
“I can’t tell you because I don’t know what that is. I can tell you
that he took food and a radio in a box he tied to his back. You aliens
don’t have enough limbs.”
This reminded Kaga that Lugo was on foot. He left the post and
raced back to the ship. He threw a destabilizer gun into a pack along
with standard emergency provisions and pushed a button on the
instrument panel that started a loud whirring sound below. When he
got back on the ground the Terrall had been unloaded. He had
brought it along in case he encountered any rough terrain on his tour
of duty. It could cover any topography at thirty kilometers per hour.
Kaga climbed into the cockpit and started the engine. He saw that
there was sufficient fuel for several days. The two gigantic rear
treadwheels began to turn, and he steered the small front sensing
wheels toward the post building. The Terrall quickly crossed the level
space and Kaga leaped down and ran into the office.
“Iminux,” he said, breathlessly, “I’m going out to find Lieutenant
Lugo. If any calls come in, relay them to me by pushing that button
on your ComSet. Do you understand?”
“No problem,” said the Vegimal. “It’s not my affair, but I hope
you find him because I don’t want to lose this spot just yet.”
On that note, Captain Kaga left the PKU post, got back into his
vehicle, and headed out into the wilds of Miglig. Using his animated
map as guide, he proceeded toward a rendezvous with the nomadic
group of Vegimals. They were about fifty kilometers away, having
traveled in a rough semicircle since passing the base eight days earlier.
The Terrall covered the distance at medium speed, its drive wheels
adjusting in shape and size to the changes in terrain.
After two hours he caught sight of ten or twelve figures bobbing
along ahead of him; none was Lugo, he noted. He turned off to one
side and circled around in front of the group. He stopped the Terrall,
got down, and approached the nomads, his weapon close at hand.
The Vegimals were moving at a rate slightly slower than Kaga’s
normal gait. “Greetings!” he said through his Languex. The creatures